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The History and Future of Mobile Marketing as Smartphones reach 70% mobile market penetration in the U.S.

Blog Posts

The History and Future of Mobile Marketing as Smartphones reach 70% mobile market penetration in the U.S.

August 8, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News

Last month, Mobile Marketing Watch published a brand new statistic about Smartphone penetration in the U.S.1 that got me thinking about how marketing has evolved over the years. Do any of us yearn for the days in Mad Men where marketing and advertising channels were pretty limited — can you imagine just three network television channels and no internet? With …

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Improve Your Shopping Center’s Emergency Action Plan

August 15, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Critical Preparations You Need (but hope you never have to use) After waking up bright and early, my morning routine consists of a little breakfast, coffee and catching some news on the television before I head out to the office. Pretty standard. Sometimes, however, I am hesitant to turn on the news. Sometimes, I just want to leave the TV …

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Crisis Communication Usage in Social Media

August 20, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

The power of a social network can add value to a crisis communication strategy Being able to effectively communicate during an emergency is an important capability of any organization. A crisis situation needs to be addressed systematically to prevent loss of life, damage to property and harm to an organization’s reputation. Keeping employees and other stakeholders informed in such situations …

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Movie Theater Utilizes Loyalty and Rewards Program to Increase Engagement with Moviegoers

September 4, 2014 Posted by in Other

The excitement that going to the movie theater brings is a feeling we all know. For a couple of short hours we take a break from reality and focus on whatever is showing on the silver screen. Going to the movies is an activity that attracts a wide variety of people from all ages, races and genders. Last year, 1.34 …

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The RedFlag Emergency Notification System Improves Your Shopping Mall’s Response Time

September 9, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Reducing Response Time Contributes to Positive Outcomes It’s early Saturday afternoon and your shopping center is alive with the buzzing of people ready to bring in the fall season. You see a few people who have even donned light jackets despite the summer’s sun that hasn’t quite quit just yet. As a shopping mall property manager, your responsibilities are in …

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October 27, 2014 Posted by in Other

Oct. 27, 2014 Erika Engle The Buzz


Text Message Marketing Is Sexy

October 30, 2014 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

If done correctly, the simplicity, versatility, personalization, measurability and effectiveness of text message marketing is sexy. By way of introduction, my name is Brian Teague (@undergroundlair) and I’m Chief Technology Evangelist for Pocketstop. As a technology evangelist, one of my goals is to help companies better understand how they can leverage our Text Message Marketing, Loyalty and Rewards as well …

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Using Text Message Marketing This Holiday Season (and all year round!)

December 4, 2014 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

Text message marketing is becoming the king of mobile marketing. Thanksgiving has come and gone. And so has some of the biggest shopping days of the year. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday have become gargantuan events giving both consumers and businesses the opportunity to cash in. E-commerce has been changing the landscape of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping …

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Taco Bell “Thinks Outside The Bun” With SMS Text Marketing

March 24, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

SMS Text Marketing Campaign Gains 13,000 Subscribers In 5 Weeks SMS text marketing campaigns are on the rise — and for good reason. They work! And major brands are starting to take note. Take for example, Taco Bell’s use of an SMS text marketing with a two part goal. First, Taco Bell wanted a way to keep in touch with …

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Keep Emergency Communications On When The Power Goes Out

April 29, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

How Does Your Business Provide Emergency Communications During A Power Outage? Spring is a time of warmer temperatures and new life outside our windows. It is also a time when the weather can cause disruptions in our lives and, if we’re not prepared, it can be a time where we find ourselves in trouble and in need of an emergency …

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