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Environmental Health Safety

Crisis Communication in the Workplace

Add A Smart Layer of Safety Communications Keeping Your Workforce Safe

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Quickly Return An Emergency Situation Back To Normal

When an emergency occurs, quickly and efficiently send help to where it is needed and steer your workforce away from a potentially dangerous situation using our emergency mass notification solution, RedFlag for critical events such as:


Chemical Spill Fire Maintenance Issues Equipment Failure Severe Weather 


With RedFlag, you can:
Efficiently inform people of critical situations (weather, gunman, bomb threat)
Quickly identify who needs help
Get people to safety
Efficiently coordinate / mobilize resources

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Quickly & Efficiently Send Emergency Alerts

• With our multi-channel communication solution, your workforce is always in the loop regardless of their communication preference
• Gain on the ground intelligence by engaging in
Two Way Chats
• Faster emergency resolutions from enhanced communications
• Receive real time feedback with Polling and Acknowledgement to make smart crisis management decisions

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Get A Pulse On Any Emergency Situation

• Manage emergency response team communications from one single interface
• Create ready to use templates for often used emergency messages to reduce time
• Optimize emergency communication workflows
• Make data driven decisions by viewing reports on your desktop or with our smartphone apps.

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Save Time & Money

• Get a world-class system that is feature rich and competitively priced
• Pay only for the features you need
• Quick turnaround to get up and running
• Easy to use by anyone

Environmental Crisiscommunications

Crisis Communication

In a crisis situation, your workforce needs to be notified immediately. RedFlag allows you to reach workers quickly and easily regardless of their communication preference ensuring they stay safe keeping incident costs to a minimum.

With RedFlag, you can get word out to different groups like on-site and off-site workers, emergency response teams, stakeholders, and more via any communication endpoint for events like:

  • Chemical spill
  • Fire
  • Machine malfunctions
  • Procedure reminders
  • Safety handbook updates
  • And More

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Environmental Internalcommunications

Internal Communication

Easily send messages to groups of any size beyond crisis communications including reminders for upcoming safety trainings, acknowledgement confirming acceptance of safety policies, polling to gauge sentiment on safety procedures, and more. You can also get real time feedback through two-way chat.

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Environmental Staffing


Your emergency response team and safety committees should be flexible enough to meet a variety of emergency situations. With RedFlag, you can quickly send messages to your on-site staff, vendors, and corporate HQ before, during, or after an emergency situation arises.

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Access from Anywhere - Pocketstop

Access from Anywhere

Send messages, communicate and gather insights from anywhere using any device.

Real Time Analytics Pocketstop

Real Time Analytics

Intuitive dashboard to monitor overall program performance and make more informed decisions.

World Class Support - Pocketstop

World Class Support

365-day support with onboarding, training, and ongoing consulting.

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We offer world-class security and reliability with failover architecture via the Microsoft Azure cloud.

RedFlag Emergency Mass Notification System

"For JLL-managed assets, we needed to rethink how we communicate from a security standpoint. The safety of our shoppers, employees and tenants is a top priority for us and by utilizing RedFlag, we are better able to facilitate quick and timely communication during an emergency."

- Karen R., JLL

Ready to Improve Your Safety Communication Strategy?

Don't let communication mistakes cost your company. Request a demo or more info.