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Redflag Crisiscommunications

The Real Time, Crisis Communications System

Efficiently Inform People of Critical Situations

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Some of Our Satisfied Customers

Gartner Capterra’s Top Rated Internal Communication Software


The Easiest, Most Effective Way to Keep People Informed During an Emergency

Whether you’ve got a minor disruption or a serious crisis, you need to reliably reach people in real time, no matter where they are. The RedFlag mass notification system is the industry’s easiest-to-use crisis communication system with a robust set of features for critical events such as:

Severe Weather Communication Network Failure Active Shooter Machine Malfunctions Security Breach


Our simple, multi-channel communication system allows you to write once and post simultaneously to:

Email Icon


SMS Text Icon

SMS Text Messages

Voice Call Icon

Voice Calls

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Microsoft Teams Alerts

Internet Posts Icon

Desktop Alerts (Coming Soon)

Keep Your Recipients Safe and Informed During an Emergency

Pocketstop’s RedFlag is a mass notification system that makes it easy to send timely, personalized, relevant messages to large groups, small groups, or a specific person. Recipients can even set their own preferences and customize how they would like to receive messages, ensuring that they’re easy to reach when it matters most.

Two-Way Communications

Your recipients can even notify you via text about issues or security alerts. With Two-Way Chat and Polling, your recipients can respond to your messages with their own alerts and updates, allowing you to know what’s happening and analyze real-time feedback.

Save Time

Redflag allows you to compose a notification once and send it to multiple channels with the click of a button – even directly from Outlook or our iPhone and Android apps. Manage all of your notifications with an easy-to-use dashboard, generate detailed reports, and automatically import users’ data from third-party software.

Severe Weather Icon

Natural Disasters & Severe Weather

Database Blue Icon

Infrastructure Outages

Security Icon

Criminal Activity

Maintence issue communication-icon

Maintenance Issues

New call-to-action
How It Works Icon Blue

How Crisis Communication Works

A Crisis Arises

An emergency arises with a shooter entering your building. You need to communicate to everyone assigned to that location.

Send a Segmented Multi-Channel Alert

Blast an alert via voice call, text, and email to the 1,000 people assigned to the building asking them to evacuate immediately and to acknowledge when they are safe.

Follow Up

You then follow up with the 30 (as opposed to all 1,000) who didn’t respond. The new message includes a response number, starting a two-way text conversation with management.

Gain Insight

With the two-way text conversation, your recipients can communicate why they are not safe or if they have direct insight into the threat – like I’m hiding in a closet, or the active shooter is on the 2nd floor of the ABC building, etc.

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Don't let a communications failure cost an injury or life.