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Top 5 Questions Internal Communications Should Ask

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Top 5 Questions Internal Communications Should Ask

September 25, 2018 Posted by in Internal Communications

Successful communication within all levels of the organizational hierarchy is essential for the development and success of any business. In fact, internal communications are as important as communicating with your customers. As a key factor in achieving your goals and objectives, internal communication needs to undergo a constant process of improvement. “Good ideas need good strategies.” Reid Hoffman, the founder …

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How to Communicate When A Crisis Occurs

September 24, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Studies have shown that 79% of business decision makers believe that they are only 12 months away from a potential crisis. Despite this, only 59% of business decision makers have experienced a crisis in the current or previous company. A scarier statistic is that only 54% of businesses have a developed crisis plan in place. Business crisis situations can occur with …

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Why Text Message Marketing is the Most Effective Marketing Tool in your Arsenal

September 21, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

It has been shown that 98% of adults aged 18 to 29 in the US own a device capable of receiving a text message. In fact, 90% of business leads would rather receive a text message than a phone call. Fifty per cent of consumers prefer SMS support as opposed to a phone call, 64% of consumers perceive SMS communications from …

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How to Improve Tenant Communications

September 20, 2018 Posted by in Other

Global real estate investments were worth $165billion in the first quarter of this year seeing a rise of 15%. This was the best recorded quarterly performance since 2007. Rapid changes in tenant dynamics, customer demographic shifts, and ever-increasing needs for better and faster data access to allow improved service and amenities are changing the way the commercial real estate world …

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Qualities of a Great Property Manager

September 19, 2018 Posted by in Other

Steady streams of new construction, evolving tenant management techniques, and rapid advancements in A.I and technology are changing the face of the global real estate industry.

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How To Think Like A Marketer To Be A Great Internal Communications Leader

August 9, 2018 Posted by in Other

Marketers have a way of thinking that includes traits that can be of great benefit to internal communications professionals.

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Tips on Leading a Great Internal Communications Department

August 8, 2018 Posted by in Other

By 2025 millennial’s will make up 75% of the U.S workforce. 84% of these millennial’s seek a sense of purpose in their work, 50% of these said that they would take a pay cut for a job that aligns more closely with their values.

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Qualities of a Great Internal Communications Professional

August 6, 2018 Posted by in Other

Internal communications is the glue that binds employees, management, and stakeholders together. It helps keep employees of an organization informed, loyal, and engaged. Well-executed internal communications increases employee job satisfaction, improves business turnover, and helps to decrease staff turnover.

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How to Use Text Message Marketing to Build Your Restaurant Business

August 4, 2018 Posted by in Other

When customers search for a restaurant, 72% of people use a mobile device to find out information and 50% of these people are in a car, or on the go. Therefore, mobile marketing plays a huge role in customer relationships even before a potential customer enters the premises of your eatery for the first time.

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How to Use Text Message Marketing to Build Your Retail Business

August 3, 2018 Posted by in Other

Retailers across the globe are harnessing the power of SMS marketing to enhance customer relationships and experience. With an open rate of almost 98% compared to just 20% from email marketing efforts, retailers are boosting sales, building brand awareness and retaining customers using SMS marketing. Small retail businesses now have the power to rival large global brands as they utilize …

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