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5 Myths About Text Message Marketing

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5 Myths About Text Message Marketing

October 9, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

For almost two decades, text message marketing has ruled the marketing industry incontestably with high success rates. SMS marketing statistics and facts demonstrate why that has been the case.

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Crisis Communication in the Healthcare Sector

October 8, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

It was arguably one of the most dreaded crises of our decade: the first Ebola diagnosis in the U.S. in Dallas, Texas in 2014. Independent reports into the Ebola crisis indicated a general lack of preparedness and stumbling caused by communication failures. Coupled with the frenzied social media, news about the crisis quickly exploded out of proportion, spreading like wildfire …

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Using Text Message Marketing for Events

October 5, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

You have this major event coming up, and you’ve gone out of your way to make sure it doesn’t fail. You want to reach out to as many people as possible. Could text message marketing be the answer to promote your event? Did you know that research indicates that the best way to get people’s attention is by text message? …

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Text Message Marketing Compliancy

October 4, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Marketing tools are the go-to instruments for any business strategy aiming to improve brand loyalty, gain new customers or keep current ones happy, promote new products, increase sales, and other goals companies might set for themselves. As one of the most effective of marketing tools, text message marketing, albeit simple and effective in its means of implementation and in bringing …

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How to Select Mobile Keywords

October 3, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Living, breathing, interacting, and conducting our businesses in a mobile-first world puts us face-to-face with numerous benefits, but also with a few challenges, especially when it comes to perfectly understanding the key to developing a fruitful customer-business mobile relationship. Driving growth in a mobile-first world means adapting strategies not only to customer necessities, but also to the environment in which …

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More Questions Internal Communications Should Ask

October 2, 2018 Posted by in Internal Communications

The need for communicating internally in a company never ends. Whether it’s sending out new policies, shouting out corporate successes, communicating your company’s quarter strategy or simply making an announcement, internal comms are vital lifeblood in any organization.

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5 Ways To Build Your Customer Database Using Text Message Marketing

October 1, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Businesses across America are utilizing the power of text message marketing to increase sales and customer engagement, generate leads, and to build brand loyalty. And the reason is pretty simple: Mobile devices have become an integral part of our everyday lives with recent statistics indicating that the average American checks their mobile phone once every 12 minutes. That translates to …

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Using Text Message Marketing for Sweepstakes Campaigns

September 28, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

When it comes to engaging with current or potential customers, sweepstakes campaigns can be an excellent choice, as they provide you with a fast and easy-to-implement solution for your needs, whether we are talking about getting people to develop an interest in your brand, promoting a new product, or increasing your website’s traffic. In order to make sure that you …

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Using Text Message Marketing for Customer Loyalty Programs

September 27, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

In today’s market, when new businesses are emerging with unbelievable speed, maintaining a pool of customers is mandatory for the survival of your brand. It is not just about how good your products or services are, but also about how proficient your marketing strategies are in terms of gaining new customers and keeping the ones you already have. Flooded by …

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Crisis Communications for First Responders

September 26, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Any situation that is threatening or could become threatening and harm people, property, businesses, and even damage reputations is considered a crisis. The world is and has always been vulnerable to a wide array of crisis. People, institutions, organizations, countries, landscapes, everyone an everything on this earth could at one point be in crisis.

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