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ICSC RECon 2019: Looking Ahead

Blog Posts

ICSC RECon 2019: Looking Ahead

May 6, 2019 Posted by in Other

Retail real estate—one of the biggest and most diverse sectors of the commercial property industry—has been facing major changes in the past couple of decades. The demand for retail properties and interest for investing in this sector are significantly increasing, and with this increase come many benefits, but also challenges for industry professionals. We are no longer living in the …

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How Long Should You Run a Marketing Campaign?

April 30, 2019 Posted by in Other

The practice of marketing has been around since ancient times, yet marketing as a concept with an emphasis on advertising and sales was not introduced until late nineteenth century. Today, marketing plays a vital role in our societies, and has developed into a version of itself that is significantly different than what it represented in antiquity. In fact, it is …

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6 Tactics to Cross-Sell Your Customers

April 25, 2019 Posted by in Other

The retail industry has undergone a substantial amount of changes in the last few years, in part due to technological advances, but also due to the rising necessity of being more attune to customer needs. With more and more businesses being created, keeping up with the competition means doing more than selling products in the traditional way and not engaging …

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Why Relying On Social Media Marketing Is a Bad Idea

April 23, 2019 Posted by in Other

When the internet became mobile at the end of 1996 through the Nokia 9000 Communicator, the number of possibilities existing for marketers increased significantly, since reaching customers on their mobile devices opened up a new world of marketing strategies. With the development of smart phones, digital marketing exited the confines of emails and website pages, and entered a new marketing age—where …

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The 6 Most Dangerous Workplace Disasters in U.S. History

April 22, 2019 Posted by in Other

Four decades ago, workplace disasters used to claim the lives of around 14,000 U.S. workers every year. From collapsing buildings to exploding coal mines, the country has witnessed some of the worst workplace accidents in the past. A common thread that binds most of these catastrophic incidents is the sheer disregard for workers’ safety. In most cases, the accidents could …

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How to Use Google Analytics to Track Your SMS Marketing Campaigns (w/ Screenshots)

April 19, 2019 Posted by in Other

Digital marketing has significantly changed the way companies conduct their marketing strategies toward gaining new customers, promoting products, improving brand awareness, and staying one step ahead of competitors. In today’s times, a digital marketing campaign can offer insights that traditional marketing methods were never able to provide, therefore it is easier for marketers to improve their efforts and make the …

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How Internal Communication Professionals Can Reduce the Impact of Fake News

April 18, 2019 Posted by in Other

Information about current events has always been of main concern to individuals and institutions, as it dictates the way we live our lives and make our choices based on the things happening around us. From word of mouth to printing, or electronic communication, people’s need for keeping up with news and events is at the center of all communication strategies …

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Why and How To Consistently Purge Your Marketing Database

April 17, 2019 Posted by in Other

Today’s business environment relies heavily on technology. Every single keystroke can leave traces on your disks. This unwanted data not only occupies space but even leads to a reduction in the overall data quality. Dirty data filled with errors can lead to bad marketing decisions, which, in turn, may lead to financial losses.

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6 Tips For Crisis Communications In The Workplace

April 16, 2019 Posted by in Other

No organization is perfect; every one of them is prone to crisis. While you may be prepared to deal with a lot of them, there may be some that may strike without you knowing. In 2018, there were three shootings at workplaces in the U.S. in a single day. Such events cannot be predicted and can throw all your employees …

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The Problem with RoboCalls and How to Fix It

April 15, 2019 Posted by in Other

With the development of modern technologies, our day-to-day lives have significantly changed, in ways that 30 or 50 years ago seemed unimaginable. In 1854, Antonio Meucci created the first voice communicating device, with Alexander Graham Bell pioneering the system of what we now call the telephone, yet the idea has been in the mind of many others years before that. …

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