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How Data Silos are Undermining your Shopping Mall Marketing Efforts

Blog Posts

How Data Silos are Undermining your Shopping Mall Marketing Efforts

November 12, 2020 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

You’ve probably learned this hard lesson by now: everything you do boils down to data. Data helps you see where your shopping center portfolio stands, where it is going, and how you’re being impacted. That’s why your data needs to be up to date, accurate and in sync across your entire shopping mall portfolio. It’s the only way for your …

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California AB 685: What It Means For You and For The Future of Emergency Communication

October 21, 2020 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Resident, Tenant & Vendor Communications

You probably knew it was coming. Now there is official law regarding how California employers must communicate with their employees when they or other colleagues and individuals become ill or have tested positive for COVID-19.

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How To Use Social Media During A Crisis

October 12, 2020 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Ten years ago, social media platforms had a very different role, but today social media is used by all demographics and by people of all ages. In 2017, studies showed that 81 percent of the population had at least one social networking profile and those numbers continue to grow. The Pew Research Center showed:

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3 Things You Must Know About Segmenting Your Shopping Mall Database for More Personalized Marketing

October 8, 2020 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

You may already know why shopping mall customer segmentation and personalization are important (if not, read our blog post stat!). In getting your plan together, here are the challenges:

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How To Get Ready To Manage A Cyber Attack

September 28, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity

Cybercrime has quickly become today’s fastest-growing form of criminal activity. Accenture has forecast it will cost businesses $5.2 trillion worldwide within five years.

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Your Burning Questions about Shopping Mall Customer Engagement, Answered

September 17, 2020 Posted by in Other

There is a fundamental difference among customer service, customer engagement and customer experience. This blog will focus on how to use all three strategies to differentiate your shopping center as a place that turns customers into advocates.

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Is Your Business Prepared: Getting A Plan Together in Case of A Fire

September 14, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

First know this: you can never be too prepared when it comes to emergencies like fires. Unpreparedness brings panic and chaos. Planning helps bring organization and solutions to a dangerous situation.

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Top Ways to Make Sales Promotion Work For Your Shopping Mall

September 8, 2020 Posted by in Other

Sales promotions can garner customers’ attention and loyalty. Personalized promotions are a good way to boost short-term sales, attract new and existing mall shoppers and increase dwell time for your center.

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Is Your Business Prepared? Getting a Plan Together in Case of An Earthquake

September 3, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

The COVID-19 crisis is showing us the importance of having an emergency plan in place. Natural disasters begs us to be prepared, but also that each situation is unique and sometimes unpredictable. Ultimately, though, your organization having an emergency plan can possibly save lives and keep those around you from giving in to panic.

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Make Your Shopping Mall Marketing Budget Seem 3x Bigger

August 31, 2020 Posted by in Other

Optimizing your shopping mall’s marketing budget to seem bigger is something every center wants to do to maximize revenue and profits. In an age of Amazon, marketing is an essential to drive customers to visit your shopping malls.

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