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7 Things About Mass Notification Pre-Written Messages You Should Know

Blog Posts

7 Things About Mass Notification Pre-Written Messages You Should Know

October 27, 2021 Posted by in Mass Notification, Resident, Tenant & Vendor Communications

Employee notification systems, including Pocketstop’s own RedFlag app, is on the rise among organizations that are seeking digital solutions for their communication challenges. As a leader in the alert system industry, Pocketstop understands that clients use these systems for a variety of applications including for the safety and security of their employees, staff, vendors, tenants and more and others during …

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How Does a Successful Evacuation End?

October 26, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Does your successful evacuation end with your organization getting back to business? The immediate drama of an emergency event is no time to start figuring out how to implement safety practices and save lives. If you have a plan in place, and your staff learns it and practices it in advance, your evacuation will more than likely end successfully. It …

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Not if, But When: Best Practices for Creating a Cyber Security Plan

October 21, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Business Continuity

Whether you’re a Fortune 50 company or a small business, cyber criminals are attacking companies of all sizes and becoming more brazen and destructive as a result. The stats bare this out: Cybercrime is up 600% year-over-year due to the COVID-19 pandemic – even small businesses saw a 424% increase in cyberattacks last year The average cost of an attack …

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Emergency Alert App Shopping Checklist for Business Owners

October 19, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Do you have an emergency alert app to protect your business and staff when a crisis event happens? If you’re currently in the market, you’ll need software that’s easy to use and offers solid customer service. Ultimately, you’ll need an emergency communication system that sends wireless emergency alerts to any sized group and offers all of the features that help …

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Business Owners: How Effective is Your Evacuation Drill?

October 15, 2021 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

One rule of thumb to ensure that your evacuation drill meets your criteria: practice makes perfect. Evacuation drills should be scheduled throughout the year in order to make sure your staff and other building occupants respond to the crisis in an effective (read: life-saving) manner. Emergencies happen without clear warning, and chaos and confusion can often occur as a result, …

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Does Your Emergency Exit Plan Make Sense?

October 13, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Does your emergency exit plan make sense even when it’s not only an idea on paper? When an emergency event confronts you and your employees, customers and staff, all kinds of things can go wrong if you are not properly prepared to deal with it. If chaos and panic ensue — if an evacuation route is not predetermined, for example …

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Improve Your Emergency Preparedness Plan with a Mass Notification System

September 26, 2021 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

No matter where you work or live a disaster can strike anywhere. Naturally occurring hazards, such as a hurricane or severe thunderstorm, and human-caused hazards, like a fire or civil disturbance, can cause equal opportunity disasters. They don’t judge, they are not biased and they could be coming for you next. In order to protect life and ensure safety, security …

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Make Emergency Preparedness a Priority: September Is National Preparedness Month

September 15, 2021 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Don’t wait to make it a New Year’s resolution, make emergency preparedness a priority today Football season, cooler weather, and the holidays are right around the corner. Lots of things to look forward to! Before you start looking forward, however, take a look back and ask yourself “were we prepared?”

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Using Emergency Notification Software When Hackers Attack

September 10, 2021 Posted by in Mass Notification

As the grim news of cyberattacks continue to grow and become increasingly commonplace, an efficient workaround is needed should your IT systems fail and your ability to communicate is halted or compromised. Although IT professionals and even the FBI are working diligently on stopping or at least reducing cyberattacks, the realization that your company is as vulnerable is your first …

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7 Tips To Create A Mall Customer Loyalty Program

July 19, 2021 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Create a mall customer loyalty program by taking advantage of digital technology to build rewarding relationships with your most loyal customers.

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