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Safety First Blue Road Sign

5 Tips on How Manufacturers Can Establish a Culture of Safety

Safety First Blue Road Sign

January 3, 2019 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Contemporary technologies have made it possible for companies in all industries and from all over the world to provide their employees with a working environment that is getting safer with each year. Starting with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, the United States has implemented measures in order to establish a culture of safety in the private and government sectors. In our times, health and safety departments have been responsible for a wide range of activities meant to oversee everything in the event of a crisis.

Although all industries need to provide a safe workplace, in the manufacturing industry, given its complexity and use of heavy machinery, safety is an aspect that needs to be thoroughly planned, analyzed, and implemented, with the help of modern-day technologies and crisis communication solutions, such as a mass notification system, that will ensure the safety of all employees.

The Importance of Health and Safety in the Manufacturing Industry

Information and statistics from the United States Department of Labor show that manufacturing companies are still struggling with developing health and safety strategies that could prevent amputations, falls, or others safety hazards encountered in the industry. Occupational Safety and Health Administration teams have been conducting regular inspections in manufacturing companies throughout the US, having concerning outcomes. These inspections show that the majority of injuries could have been avoided with a better employee training and a proper implementation of all health and safety measures and plans.

Today, we are going to talk about how your company can improve its health and safety procedures, and share some tips on how manufactures can establish a culture of safety in order to take better care of their employees and improve business operations.

Gathering and Analyzing Health and Safety Data

The first step to establishing a culture of safety within your manufacturing company and for providing your employees with a safe work environment is to conduct all procedures based on thorough data. Gathering and analyzing health and safety data from your company, from the manufacturing industry, but also from regulatory institutions will help you develop and improve health and safety plans and strategies. Every step of your plan needs to be taken based on accurate data, on information that is tailored to your industry and your company, and on metrics that will provide you with a means of keeping your employees safe, and your business operational.

Also, make sure that your health and safety plans will always include an in-depth analysis of manufacturing healthy risks.

Prioritize Safety Trainings for all Employees and Management Structures

An essential step for establishing a proper culture of safety within your manufacturing company is to make safety a priority at all levels of management, and for all your employees. Understanding its importance and how health and safety procedures and regulations applies to their workplace will help your employees be safe in the event of a hazard, and also help your company handle all situations with an increase rate of success. Make sure that your plans, strategies and training follow all health and safety industry guidelines and regulations, and that they are always up-to-date, both with legislation changes but also with new technologies you can utilize in establishing a culture of safety.

Make Safety Resources and Crisis Communication Solutions Easily Accessible

In the manufacturing industry, safety resources for all employees are of utmost importance and need to be implemented properly at all times. Therefore, you need to make sure that your company has health and safety procedures in place in case of an event, that all emergency exits are clear at all times, and that all safety resources such as first aid kits are available throughout the workplace, and for all employees. Using a smart, full-featured crisis communication solution needs will provide your employees with an effective mean of broadcasting urgent messages and getting in touch with those in charge, in the event of an emergency.

Also, being aware of new developments and technologies will help your company stay up-to-date with all the new and modern ways through which to implement health and safety procedures and enhance its culture of safety.

Don’t Overlook Machine Maintenance

The manufacturing industry utilizes a wide range of machines and technologies that require constant and in-depth maintenance, therefore your company needs to be aware of how important maintenance sessions are for the wellbeing of its employees and for its overall activity. Use a modern platform to keep track of all machines and interventions, and make sure to involve all employees in the process, so that everyone knows how to handle a machinery in the event of an emergency.

Constantly Invest in Safety

According to OSHA, the costs of companies employee compensations is $1 billion per week in the United States. Investing in a culture of safety and in ways for protecting your employees means you are always investing in the wellbeing of your company and in a successful business continuity. Investing constantly in safety will provide all necessary resources and solutions for your employees, and help you increase ROI on safety.

Following these 5 tips on how manufactures can establish a culture of safety will give your manufacturing company the support it needs in providing all employees with a safe work environment, and with the assurance that there are procedures in place, and people in charge of their health and safety at all times. A culture of safety means more than following the guidelines of industry regulators or federal institutions; a culture of safety means conducting all activities with health and safety in mind. Not only that, but relying on modern-day technologies and solutions for all your manufacturing needs, from crisis communication to machine maintenance.

Don’t forget to always offer your employees a mean for providing you with feedback on all health and safety procedures and strategies, but also keep a communication channel open for employees who have suggestions or concerns which they want to share with you and with those in charge of safety in your manufacturing company.

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