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Crisis Communication in the Healthcare Sector

Blog Posts

Category: Crisis Communications

Crisis Communication in the Healthcare Sector

October 8, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

It was arguably one of the most dreaded crises of our decade: the first Ebola diagnosis in the U.S. in Dallas, Texas in 2014. Independent reports into the Ebola crisis indicated a general lack of preparedness and stumbling caused by communication failures. Coupled with the frenzied social media, news about the crisis quickly exploded out of proportion, spreading like wildfire …

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Active Shooter Mass Notification Solutions

May 3, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification, Crisis Communications

active shooter mass notification system

Active shooter mass notification solutions may help you improve the safety of so many individuals. What exactly is an active shooter (the official definition)? According to the FBI’s website: The FBI defines an active shooter as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. Implicit in this definition is the shooter’s …

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Active Shooter Best Practices

June 20, 2022 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Active shooter best practices are now more urgent than ever, as these terrifying incidents are unfortunately more common. While it may sound impossible to have an influence on the outcome of this situation, creating and following a best-practice plan in advance can protect lives if everyone is prepared to act quickly. Your plan should feature a high-quality mass communication software …

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Stages of Crisis Management

October 28, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Knowing what and how to communicate during the stages of crisis management will help you protect your organization, staff and customers and also greatly reduce its damaging impact. Although you can never be sure when an emergency will happen — and there is no guarantee that your plans will be 100% successful — having a plan in place will surely …

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Not if, But When: Best Practices for Creating a Cyber Security Plan

October 21, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Business Continuity

Whether you’re a Fortune 50 company or a small business, cyber criminals are attacking companies of all sizes and becoming more brazen and destructive as a result. The stats bare this out: Cybercrime is up 600% year-over-year due to the COVID-19 pandemic – even small businesses saw a 424% increase in cyberattacks last year The average cost of an attack …

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California AB 685: What It Means For You and For The Future of Emergency Communication

October 21, 2020 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Resident, Tenant & Vendor Communications

You probably knew it was coming. Now there is official law regarding how California employers must communicate with their employees when they or other colleagues and individuals become ill or have tested positive for COVID-19.

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How To Use Social Media During A Crisis

October 12, 2020 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Ten years ago, social media platforms had a very different role, but today social media is used by all demographics and by people of all ages. In 2017, studies showed that 81 percent of the population had at least one social networking profile and those numbers continue to grow. The Pew Research Center showed:

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Is Your Business Prepared: Getting A Plan Together in Case of A Fire

September 14, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

First know this: you can never be too prepared when it comes to emergencies like fires. Unpreparedness brings panic and chaos. Planning helps bring organization and solutions to a dangerous situation.

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Is Your Business Prepared? Getting a Plan Together in Case of An Earthquake

September 3, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

The COVID-19 crisis is showing us the importance of having an emergency plan in place. Natural disasters begs us to be prepared, but also that each situation is unique and sometimes unpredictable. Ultimately, though, your organization having an emergency plan can possibly save lives and keep those around you from giving in to panic.

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5 Tips on How Manufacturers Can Establish a Culture of Safety

January 3, 2019 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Contemporary technologies have made it possible for companies in all industries and from all over the world to provide their employees with a working environment that is getting safer with each year. Starting with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, the United States has implemented measures in order to establish a culture of safety in the private and government sectors. In …

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