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Is Your Business Prepared? Getting a Plan Together in Case of An Earthquake

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Category: Crisis Communications

Is Your Business Prepared? Getting a Plan Together in Case of An Earthquake

September 3, 2020 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

The COVID-19 crisis is showing us the importance of having an emergency plan in place. Natural disasters begs us to be prepared, but also that each situation is unique and sometimes unpredictable. Ultimately, though, your organization having an emergency plan can possibly save lives and keep those around you from giving in to panic.

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5 Tips on How Manufacturers Can Establish a Culture of Safety

January 3, 2019 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Contemporary technologies have made it possible for companies in all industries and from all over the world to provide their employees with a working environment that is getting safer with each year. Starting with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, the United States has implemented measures in order to establish a culture of safety in the private and government sectors. In …

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5 Crisis Communication Tips Between Government Agencies

December 6, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Crisis communication is receiving more and more global attention from both the corporate environment and from public or governmental institutions. With the world being under the threat of crises of a diverse nature, the need for cooperating and finding an appropriate solution for crisis communication is all the more poignant in an era driven by new media and the impact …

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5 Tips for Effective Crisis Communication

December 5, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Although it has been around for many years, crisis communication is just now starting to see an increase in awareness towards the importance of the industry and the impact crisis communication has on the wellbeing of businesses and institutions from all over the world. In today’s technology-driven times, when information travels with the speed of light, the way a company …

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5 Crisis Communications Message Templates

October 11, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

When we hear the word ‘crisis’, we think about a situation that is generally out of our control, perhaps caused by external factors, a situation which will cause havoc regardless of your implication in it. Adopting this approach can trigger a wide range of negative effects in times of crisis. Not being prepared for a crisis, no matter its nature, …

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Crisis Communication in the Healthcare Sector

October 8, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

It was arguably one of the most dreaded crises of our decade: the first Ebola diagnosis in the U.S. in Dallas, Texas in 2014. Independent reports into the Ebola crisis indicated a general lack of preparedness and stumbling caused by communication failures. Coupled with the frenzied social media, news about the crisis quickly exploded out of proportion, spreading like wildfire …

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Crisis Communications for First Responders

September 26, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Any situation that is threatening or could become threatening and harm people, property, businesses, and even damage reputations is considered a crisis. The world is and has always been vulnerable to a wide array of crisis. People, institutions, organizations, countries, landscapes, everyone an everything on this earth could at one point be in crisis.

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How to Communicate When A Crisis Occurs

September 24, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Studies have shown that 79% of business decision makers believe that they are only 12 months away from a potential crisis. Despite this, only 59% of business decision makers have experienced a crisis in the current or previous company. A scarier statistic is that only 54% of businesses have a developed crisis plan in place. Business crisis situations can occur with …

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How to Easily Keep Staff, Customers, and Key Stakeholders Informed During Critical Incidents

April 11, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Critical incidents often occur with little or no warning and need to be addressed immediately and professionally. In the event of a critical incident it is important to have the correct measures in place in order to keep all parties informed and updated with all details available in real time. Failure to communicate during a critical incident can create insecurity …

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Expert Advice for Crisis Communications

April 2, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

The JLL Retail Division recently gathered a panel of experts, partners and members of corporate to discuss crisis communications in the retail context, and our very own Daniel Wagstaff joined the panel.

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