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A Lesson Learned from Workplace Harassment Scandals: Have Good Policies Before a Problem Arises

Blog Posts

Category: Crisis Communications

A Lesson Learned from Workplace Harassment Scandals: Have Good Policies Before a Problem Arises

March 23, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Is your company reviewing your harassment policy? Recently, the #MeToo movement and surrounding stories of workplace harassment left many HR departments scrambling to update harassment policies. Even though the law and sound corporate management have mandated good workplace harassment policies for decades, some companies just didn’t pay enough attention – until now, when workplace harassment has become a hot-button cultural …

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Four characteristics of effective messages

February 5, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

This blog originated from The Crisis Communicator by Paul Rhynard. See the original post here.

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The 10 New Rules of Crisis Communications

July 21, 2017 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Our interconnected world has changed the rules for how organizations must operate crisis communications Marketing Tech Blog recently posted ten new rules of crisis communications developed by Melissa Agnes. We agree! Our world has changed and how we exchange information and communicate has also changed over the past two decades. As businesses and organizations adapt, these rules should be kept handy. …

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The Biggest Crisis Communication Mistakes Organizations Can Make

November 13, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Communication is so pivotal in so many aspects of our lives and is key to healthy relationship. But, just like the candidates who are currently campaigning for President may find themselves in hot water over something they said—or didn’t say for that matter—so too can an organization, especially when a disruptive or unplanned event occurs or during an emergency or …

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