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California Workplace Violence Prevention Law  SB 553 – Ways to Prepare

Blog Posts

Category: Internal Communications

California Workplace Violence Prevention Law SB 553 – Ways to Prepare

June 7, 2024 Posted by in Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Many businesses are working on preparing for the California Workplace Violence Prevention Law deadline this summer. Having a plan in place is critical – and so is communicating about it.  An incident that disrupts normal day-to-day business can strike an organization at any time. In fact, crisis management and business continuity threats impacting businesses are growing. In particular, California’s violent …

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Business Emergency & Safety Trends for 2024 and How You Can Prepare

February 20, 2024 Posted by in Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Wildfire Emergency

You may have felt that emergencies and disasters seem to be on the rise – especially emergencies and crises that affect businesses. Recent data confirms this. According to the Institute for Crises Management Annual Report, “For 2022, 56.74% of crises tracked were smoldering, and 43.26% were sudden crises. Prior to 2020, ICM had typically found that smoldering crises accounted for …

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Do you use encryption for secure business communication?

February 9, 2024 Posted by in Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Businesses in 2024 run on digital data – making secure business communication vital to your organization’s success. While some industries such as insurance and healthcare are required by HIPPA to meet certain federal data encryption requirements, every industry should take steps to protect sensitive information. This article explores what secure business communication entails, what industries require it, and how cybersecurity …

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Successful Communication: Mass Calling Systems vs. Notification Systems by RedFlag

September 27, 2023 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Want to set your organization up for success? You need the best of both worlds when it comes to communication. Mass Calling Systems have been around for decades, but today’s business landscape requires a more comprehensive, flexible, and responsive Mass Notification System. Whether in education, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, government, or any number of industries, effective communication requires multi-channel options such …

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Why You Need to Use Location Based Notifications

January 5, 2023 Posted by in Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Learn about the importance of having location-based notifications in your emergency communication system and how they can impact emergency situations. Location-based notifications are push alerts based on the location of your users. These communications can be targeted to a specific group based on where they are at that moment. In short, these messages are relevant to where the person is …

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How to Alert Employees in an Emergency

July 12, 2022 Posted by in Mass Notification, Crisis Communications, Internal Communications

How to alert employees in an emergency: you are going to need a little technical help. Of course, dialing 911 is the most common method of reporting emergencies, but that method may not be able to connect you to your employees and get them additional help and vital information. Having an alarm system is also a common and effective method, …

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Enterprise Alert System

January 25, 2022 Posted by in Internal Communications

An enterprise alert system swings into action when emergency events affect your business. Critical events happen somewhere, every single day. So far, you may have been fortunate not to have to experience any of the following typical critical events: Severe weather Workplace violence Active shooters Terrorism IT outages and malfunctions, including hacking General power outages Should any of these events …

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4 Questions to Ask When Choosing an Internal Communications Platform

December 2, 2021 Posted by in Internal Communications

Choosing an internal communications platform? First, you’ll need to first ask yourself four vital questions to help you protect your business and possibly even increase the safety of your staff in the event of an emergency. Digital communications in any form can often be confusing, irrelevant, or even untrustworthy. Your internal communications platform should allow your messaging to be the …

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Safety Message for Employees

November 17, 2021 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Internal Communications

One of the most proactive steps you can take in your business is to create a safety culture. Building a plan behind a safety message that is relevant for every emergency situation shows your staff you place workplace safety high on the priority list, which will motivate employees to follow it and stay safe. It is critical to integrate safe …

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4 Terrifying Communication Stories You Won’t Believe

October 23, 2018 Posted by in Internal Communications

Back in the day, internal communications were a mere footnote in the year-end report of a company, with businesses not yet knowing how to approach this mean of employee interaction or not fully understanding its benefits. Cult comedies such as Office Space (1999) depicted internal communications as these mischief-creating channels, giving us lines as the now-famous, “did you get the …

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