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How Businesses Can Prepare for Hurricane Season

Blog Posts

How Businesses Can Prepare for Hurricane Season

August 27, 2020 Posted by in Mass Notification

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, Hurricane Laura is bearing down on Louisiana and Texas potentially bringing along with it severe damage and potentially a lives lost. Keep in mind that in 2019, AccuWeather said that more than $22 billion in hurricane-related damages were reported which this year has the potential to surpass.

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How Your Tenants Can Help To Amazon-Proof Your Shopping Mall

August 24, 2020 Posted by in Other

In an age of Amazon, shopping center marketers need to think and market differently especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 32% of shoppers go to stores because they enjoy the experience; more than three-quarters try to avoid stores altogether, according to the Salesforce Connected Shopper Report. Shopping centers must drive shoppers in by creating a unique selling proposition especially as …

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Why Mass Notification is the Key To Effective Communication in Emergency Times

August 20, 2020 Posted by in Mass Notification

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything it is that emergencies can happen at any moment — severe weather, natural disasters or active shooters. These are events that threaten employee safety and impact business operations. Businesses need to choose the right emergency communications strategy, which can include software and mobile app .

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What “Good” Customer Engagement Can Look Like For Your Shopping Mall

August 19, 2020 Posted by in Other

How important is customer engagement for your shopping mall? Take a look into the very near future:

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A Mass Notification System: A Way to Communicate When It Counts

May 3, 2020 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

In the wake of the Paris tragedies, the importance of emergency preparedness and crisis communications is once again highlighted. When the news broke about Paris, I couldn’t help but think to myself “not again.” I was heartbroken for those innocent people that were lost and their families, friends and country. I was angry but I also felt fear. Where will …

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Shopping Center Messaging to Shoppers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 27, 2020 Posted by in Other

Just because your shoppers aren’t currently visiting your shopping center, doesn’t mean you can’t reach out to them. You can’t afford shoppers forgetting about the great things your tenants and the center have to offer because you didn’t remind them.

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What Shopping Centers Can Do To Support Their Tenants During The Pandemic

April 27, 2020 Posted by in Mass Notification, Resident, Tenant & Vendor Communications

As social distancing and self-isolation become the new normal, many shopping centers are running at limited capacity or have been forced to close down entirely.

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6 Reasons Open-Air Shopping Mall Centers are Winning

April 9, 2020 Posted by in Other

Traditional shopping malls are facing an identity crisis. Changing consumer preferences and shopping habits have resulted in diminished foot traffic and reduced sales. Technology has made it possible for consumers to order products of any kind from any corner of the world. If you want such people to step out of their homes, you have to lure them with a …

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Top 5 Shopping Center Industry Resources

April 6, 2020 Posted by in Other

The retail industry has been experiencing quite a bit of turbulence for quite a few years. The emergence of online stores like Amazon has has had an impact on the profitability of brick and mortar businesses. Consequently, the shopping mall industry has also entered a state of frenzy. Dwindling foot traffic and plummeting revenue have forced many shopping centers to …

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6 Infectious Disease Readiness Plan Components

March 31, 2020 Posted by in Mass Notification

The COVID-19 pandemic has been causing widespread panic and trepidation. It has already infected over 240,000 people and killed more than 10,000 across more than 160 countries. Health care facilities across the globe are getting overwhelmed by the rising number of patients. Moreover, many countries have commenced national lockdowns, which, in turn, is taking a toll on the global economy.

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