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How to Build a Retail Shopping Center Marketing Strategy

Blog Posts

How to Build a Retail Shopping Center Marketing Strategy

March 8, 2019 Posted by in Other

Digital marketing has widened the array of possibilities for all industries, especially for retail, as customers are becoming more and more interested in engaging with their favorite brands via their mobile devices. Whether you are starting out or have already been in the retail industry for decades, redefining your marketing strategies based on modern trends and customer needs is mandatory …

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How to Survive an Active Shooter at Work

March 6, 2019 Posted by in Other

The advantages and benefits of living in today’s fast-pacing and technologically-driven world are highly visible in all industries and at all times. Just like today’s security threats the world is still working to address, other threats exist within our own borders that are more immediate effecting us on a daily basis. An active shooter situation is amongst the most dangerous circumstances …

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Why SMS Marketing Isn’t Just for Your Smartphone

February 27, 2019 Posted by in Other

With the impressively rapid growth of rich communication services (RCS), understanding the role SMS plays in the implementation of marketing strategies is of utmost importance for all companies that want to keep up with new trends and solutions. With more and more people returning to the comfort and security of text messaging, not implementing SMS marketing plans means not tapping …

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Why Your Email Is a Horrible Substitute for Emergency Notification Software

February 26, 2019 Posted by in Other

Emergency situations, albeit caused by natural disasters or events related to the activity of a business or institution, are difficult to manage, especially if proper precautionary measures are not taken in advance. Without emergency notification software and crisis communication strategies tailored to both the needs of individuals and professional entities, a crisis can end up causing a significant amount of …

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5 Causes of Factory Disruption

February 25, 2019 Posted by in Other

The manufacturing industry is traversing a stimulating period of growth and development, as more and more technological advances are making it easier for businesses and their employees to deal with the challenges of the industry. One of the main concerns of manufacturers, regardless of geography or sector, is factory disruption and how it can impact the safety and wellbeing of …

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How Shopping Mall Marketing Has Changed Over the Decades

February 22, 2019 Posted by in Other

The concept of browsing for goods and services offered by one or more merchandisers in a complex of shops has been around since Ancient Rome, when Apollodorus of Damascus built Trajan’s Market, which is now considered to have been the world’s first shopping mall. People have always enjoyed the benefits of finding their needed goods in one place, and that …

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How to Prepare Your Manufacturing Plant for a Natural Disaster

February 21, 2019 Posted by in Other

Planning for a natural disaster can seem daunting and scary. But it doesn’t have to be. If you educate yourself on how to be best prepared, you can rest easy knowing that you are doing everything you can to keep everyone safe, which is hard to do when natural disasters strike.

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A Timeline of the Birth, Growth, Rise, and Eventual Domination of Rich Communication Services (RCS)

February 20, 2019 Posted by in Other

In the current fast-pace digital environment, providing companies from all industries and of all sizes with effective marketing solutions needs to be done in accordance with the latest trends and technologies. Not keeping up with the times we are living in means not keeping up with the demands of both customers and businesses. Therefore, succeeding in the world of digital …

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5 Tips to Improve Interdepartmental Hospital Communications

February 15, 2019 Posted by in Other

New developments in the healthcare industry are bringing hope to patients every day in terms of medical outcomes that are more successful now than they were in previous years. However, independent of the medical and technological advances that are making it possible, there are still aspects of patient care that need addressing. And unfortunately, sometimes it can even lead to …

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Will Rich Communication Services Kill Apps?

February 14, 2019 Posted by in Other

Text messaging has always been the most reliable and straightforward channel of communication. Whether we are talking about staying in touch with your loved ones or interacting with your favorite brands, SMS offers you a simple and intimate way of doing so, using nothing but your mobile phone. And although the invention of smartphones and apps has enriched the processes …

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