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Different Ways RedFlag Can Be Used For Internal Communications

Blog Posts

Different Ways RedFlag Can Be Used For Internal Communications

June 11, 2018 Posted by in Other

Redflag hosts a range of exclusive features that can be used to enhance the performance, range, and accessibility of internal communications for businesses.

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Questions To Ask When Choosing An Internal Communications Platform

June 8, 2018 Posted by in Other

Stop right there! 70% of employees aren’t engaged at work! 31% of employees never use their company intranet…. Even though, engaged employees are more productive, happier, and increase workplace revenue.

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Beyond Emergencies, What Topics Should You Communicate To Your Employees?

June 7, 2018 Posted by in Other

Disengaged employees cost organizations between $450 and $550 billion annually. Whereas, organizations with high employee engagement outperform those with low employee engagement by 202%.

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5 FAQ’s About Text Message Marketing

June 5, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

By the year 2020, 48.7 million consumers will opt in to receive business sms!

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What Are Mobile Keywords?

June 4, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Today, your smartphone has more computer power than the whole of NASA had when they guided and monitored spacecrafts to the moon in 1969.

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How RedFlag Helps Businesses Enhance Their Business Continuity Plans

May 17, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity, Mass Notification

When creating a business continuity plan, you are creating a robust outline of procedures and measures to support your business in times of crisis. Therefore, any software that can enhance the performance of your business continuity plan must be considered and utilized. Redflag has a selection of features that streamline emergency notifications across all platforms, making communication easy and professional …

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8 Internal Communication Best Practices

May 16, 2018 Posted by in Internal Communications

Internal communications are an integral part of most modern businesses. In fact, how well a message is communicated as just as important as the message itself in some cases. Internal communications is a fine art, when delivered correctly messages can connect, engage, and motivate staff.

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Questions To Ask When Selecting An Emergency Notification System For Your Business Continuity Plan

May 15, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity, Internal Communications

There are many emergency notification systems available for businesses to use in the event of a natural or manmade threat to their infrastructure and daily business processes.

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Business Continuity Best Practices For Hurricane Season

May 14, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity

Hurricane season puts your business at risk of data loss, facility damages, downtime, and many other inconveniences associated with natural disaster.

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What To Tell Your Employees When A Cyber Attack Impacts Your Business Operations

May 11, 2018 Posted by in Other

Cyber attacks come in many forms and can seriously impact the operations and infrastructure of your business. Whilst it’s important to have business continuity plans in place and team members allocated to deal with such attacks, it’s also paramount to consider what to tell employees and how as a cyber attack emerges.

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