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The Intersection Between Operational & Marketing Communications: Pocketstop

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The Intersection Between Operational & Marketing Communications: Pocketstop

September 9, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Pocketstop is a SaaS multi-channel digital communication specialist Organizations these days, whether a shopping mall, retail outlet, corporate office or non-profit organization, have a variety of communication needs. Customers, employees, vendors and managers not only expect information to be pushed out, they demand it.

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Back to School: Does Your Child’s School Use a Mass Notification System? Here’s Why They Should.

August 26, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

As your kids head back to school, be sure to ask how you’ll receive messages in the event of a crisis or urgent situation. Generally, you hear a lot about a mass notification system being used by corporate offices, shopping centers and city governments, but schools and universities can benefit greatly from the use of a mass notification system as …

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Property Management Platform — RedFlag — “Trumps” All

August 19, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Learn Why RedFlag Appeals to Organizations of Any Size You can’t turn on the news right now without hearing about Donald Trump. He’s definitely stirring the pot of politics with his bold and aggressive behavior. You may think he is a breath of fresh air or maybe the thought of him makes your blood boil. Either way, there is one …

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Leverage Your Shopping Center’s Free WiFi Service to Engage Consumers & Increase Sales with M360

August 11, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

Pocketstop’s Proximity Based Text Marketing Service Uses WiFi to Drive Success Today’s technology has made the timing of marketing messages critical to their success. Pocketstop’s text marketing service gives timing top priority — delivering marketing messages directly to consumers based on their location. In other words, M360 marries together text marketing messages and consumers who have cash in hand and …

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Three Things Jurassic World Can Teach Us About Emergency Communications

July 28, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

If you haven’t been to see Jurassic World yet, hurry while it’s still in theaters. Even though it has somewhat of a predictable story line and didn’t give me quite the scare as the original Jurassic Park movie, it was enjoyable to watch and still thrilling to see dinosaurs on the big screen. But enough about my very amateur review. …

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5 Industries That Can Use Text Marketing To Boost Business

July 7, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

Text Marketing Is a “No Brainer” As Most Consumers Now Carry Cell Phones Mobile marketing, SMS marketing and text marketing are all interchangeable terms. It doesn’t matter what you call it, text marketing (as we will call it!) is when text messages are used as a marketing channel to reach consumers. Every day more and more businesses and organizations jump …

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Ebola, Sony Pictures & The Mall of America Crises

June 29, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

All 3 Had the Need for a Notification System Looking back on the recent uncomfortable and downright scary situations involving the deadly Ebola virus in Dallas, the cyberattack on Sony Pictures and the terror threat at the Mall of America a lot can be said about being prepared for the worst. During emergencies, communications can break down creating confusion and …

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Tornadoes, Flooding & Earthquakes: Emergency Notifications Calm Fears During Extreme Weather

June 2, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

It is an exciting time to be alive. The world has been at our fingertips for some time, and now, it is not only at our fingertips but can accompany us anywhere we go. Digital, mobile communications have opened up a whole new world to businesses and consumers alike — allowing for an unprecedented personal touch, and reach, when communicating …

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Check Out This Text Based Marketing Strategy That Earned One Retailer an ROI of Over 6,000%

May 20, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

With mobile internet usage surpassing desktop usage, text based marketing is more relevant than ever! Whoa. 6,000% ROI, sign me up!

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