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Drive the Behavior You’re Looking for with Automated Communication Solutions

Blog Posts

Category: Mass Notification

Drive the Behavior You’re Looking for with Automated Communication Solutions

February 23, 2016 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News, Mass Notification

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. This truth can be applied to many situations in life and in business. And with today’s tech landscape, your business is only as good as your best digital communication system. Let’s talk about some of the different automated communication solutions that can help your business—no matter …

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How to Keep Black Friday Shoppers Safe with a Mass Notification System

November 25, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Mass Communication Software Increases Coordination During Busy Times BONUS READ: Learn How SMS Can Increase Your Black Friday Sales

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The Biggest Crisis Communication Mistakes Organizations Can Make

November 13, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Communication is so pivotal in so many aspects of our lives and is key to healthy relationship. But, just like the candidates who are currently campaigning for President may find themselves in hot water over something they said—or didn’t say for that matter—so too can an organization, especially when a disruptive or unplanned event occurs or during an emergency or …

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Mass Notification System Use Is On The RISE: Who’s Using One?

October 26, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Not sure your organization would benefit? Learn who uses the RedFlag Notification System and what the benefits are. The importance of communicating is all around us. Communicating with our families and friends is significant in maintaining healthy relationships and a breakdown in communications is often the cause of many misunderstandings, confusion and even arguments (you know what I’m talking about). …

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Get Your Alert Notification System Ready: Farmers’ Almanac Predicts Unseasonably Cold Conditions

October 1, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Sending Alert Notifications Can Save Time, Money & Lives When Mother Nature Strikes Did you get an alert notification that the season changed? The official first day of fall was a little over a week ago but the beginning of October really gets people thinking about the new season. Pumpkin spice is everywhere and pumpkins themselves are popping up on …

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Pocketstop Announces New Software Version Release for the RedFlag Notification System

September 23, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Additional Functionality Adds Flexibility to RedFlag Just in time for fall, we’ve done it! We’ve successfully deployed a new rollout of our RedFlag Notification System. From the UI, database, backend jobs to the API we have made RedFlag better for users, better for our customers.

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Emergency Preparedness: 21 Tips to Survive Your Next Snowstorm

September 17, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Since September is National Preparedness Month and because winter weather will be here soon, here’s a list you’ll want to keep handy! As individuals we worry about our families, our homes, our pets and even our cars when the snowy season arrives. We’re not the only ones who have concerns. Property managers and owners have a great responsibility as well …

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The Intersection Between Operational & Marketing Communications: Pocketstop

September 9, 2015 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Pocketstop is a SaaS multi-channel digital communication specialist Organizations these days, whether a shopping mall, retail outlet, corporate office or non-profit organization, have a variety of communication needs. Customers, employees, vendors and managers not only expect information to be pushed out, they demand it.

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Back to School: Does Your Child’s School Use a Mass Notification System? Here’s Why They Should.

August 26, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

As your kids head back to school, be sure to ask how you’ll receive messages in the event of a crisis or urgent situation. Generally, you hear a lot about a mass notification system being used by corporate offices, shopping centers and city governments, but schools and universities can benefit greatly from the use of a mass notification system as …

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