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Property Management Platform — RedFlag — “Trumps” All

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Category: Mass Notification

Property Management Platform — RedFlag — “Trumps” All

August 19, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Learn Why RedFlag Appeals to Organizations of Any Size You can’t turn on the news right now without hearing about Donald Trump. He’s definitely stirring the pot of politics with his bold and aggressive behavior. You may think he is a breath of fresh air or maybe the thought of him makes your blood boil. Either way, there is one …

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Three Things Jurassic World Can Teach Us About Emergency Communications

July 28, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

If you haven’t been to see Jurassic World yet, hurry while it’s still in theaters. Even though it has somewhat of a predictable story line and didn’t give me quite the scare as the original Jurassic Park movie, it was enjoyable to watch and still thrilling to see dinosaurs on the big screen. But enough about my very amateur review. …

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Ebola, Sony Pictures & The Mall of America Crises

June 29, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

All 3 Had the Need for a Notification System Looking back on the recent uncomfortable and downright scary situations involving the deadly Ebola virus in Dallas, the cyberattack on Sony Pictures and the terror threat at the Mall of America a lot can be said about being prepared for the worst. During emergencies, communications can break down creating confusion and …

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Tornadoes, Flooding & Earthquakes: Emergency Notifications Calm Fears During Extreme Weather

June 2, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

It is an exciting time to be alive. The world has been at our fingertips for some time, and now, it is not only at our fingertips but can accompany us anywhere we go. Digital, mobile communications have opened up a whole new world to businesses and consumers alike — allowing for an unprecedented personal touch, and reach, when communicating …

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RSOE EDIS: An Emergency Notification Service That Puts Things in Perspective

May 13, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Most of us live day-to-day, not thinking of those affected by disasters unless it makes the national news. One Emergency Notification Service shows in real-time, worldwide events that require coordination, management and constant communications. Awaking this morning to the news of yet another massive earthquake in Nepal was heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are …

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Keep Emergency Communications On When The Power Goes Out

April 29, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

How Does Your Business Provide Emergency Communications During A Power Outage? Spring is a time of warmer temperatures and new life outside our windows. It is also a time when the weather can cause disruptions in our lives and, if we’re not prepared, it can be a time where we find ourselves in trouble and in need of an emergency …

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The RedFlag Emergency Notification System Improves Your Shopping Mall’s Response Time

September 9, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Reducing Response Time Contributes to Positive Outcomes It’s early Saturday afternoon and your shopping center is alive with the buzzing of people ready to bring in the fall season. You see a few people who have even donned light jackets despite the summer’s sun that hasn’t quite quit just yet. As a shopping mall property manager, your responsibilities are in …

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Crisis Communication Usage in Social Media

August 20, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

The power of a social network can add value to a crisis communication strategy Being able to effectively communicate during an emergency is an important capability of any organization. A crisis situation needs to be addressed systematically to prevent loss of life, damage to property and harm to an organization’s reputation. Keeping employees and other stakeholders informed in such situations …

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Improve Your Shopping Center’s Emergency Action Plan

August 15, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Critical Preparations You Need (but hope you never have to use) After waking up bright and early, my morning routine consists of a little breakfast, coffee and catching some news on the television before I head out to the office. Pretty standard. Sometimes, however, I am hesitant to turn on the news. Sometimes, I just want to leave the TV …

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