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Expert Advice for Crisis Communications

Blog Posts

Category: Mass Notification

Expert Advice for Crisis Communications

April 2, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

The JLL Retail Division recently gathered a panel of experts, partners and members of corporate to discuss crisis communications in the retail context, and our very own Daniel Wagstaff joined the panel.

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A Lesson Learned from Workplace Harassment Scandals: Have Good Policies Before a Problem Arises

March 23, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Is your company reviewing your harassment policy? Recently, the #MeToo movement and surrounding stories of workplace harassment left many HR departments scrambling to update harassment policies. Even though the law and sound corporate management have mandated good workplace harassment policies for decades, some companies just didn’t pay enough attention – until now, when workplace harassment has become a hot-button cultural …

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If an emergency happens, who is in control of your story?

March 22, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Many government agencies and high-profile businesses tell their employees to follow “the New York Times rule” when sending emails, drafting documents, and making business decisions. The rule is simple: if you would be embarrassed to see your conduct reported (or your email quoted) on the front page of the newspaper, think twice!

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Internal Communications During Cyber Attacks, a Major Threat to Businesses in 2018

March 21, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

In 2017, several major cyber attacks affected large businesses. Some affected millions of people: for example, the Equifax and Uber breaches compromised millions of people’s information. Beyond the high-profile attacks affecting millions of consumers, many small businesses faced the constant threat of falling victim to one of many malware attacks on corporate systems.

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Four characteristics of effective messages

February 5, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

This blog originated from The Crisis Communicator by Paul Rhynard. See the original post here.

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Hawaii Crisis Communication Case Study: What We Can Learn from the Hawaii Missile False Alarm

January 15, 2018 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

On Saturday, January 13th, the Hawaii State government faced a difficult crisis communication mishap. A mass emergency alert was broadcast to everyone in the state saying a nuclear missile was inbound toward Hawaii. Residents and visitors sought out shelter. The problem was that the message turned out to be a false alarm. A state agency was doing an internal drill …

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How to easily collect and maintain the right tenant data

October 12, 2017 Posted by in Mass Notification

As a property manager, you might know a thing or two about maintaining tenant data. In fact, you probably spend more time than you want to collecting, storing, and organizing information.

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Using Technology to Effectively Respond to Inclement Weather: What Harvey Taught Us About Hurricane Communication

September 19, 2017 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Hurricane season is here, and it is important to be prepared to respond effectively if bad weather hits your area. The forecast for the 2017’s hurricane season has been updated with more active storms predicted; the NOAA now expects 14-19 total named storms in the Atlantic. We’ve already had more than a year’s worth of named storms when you look …

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