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5 Types of Hospital Cyberattacks

Blog Posts

Category: Mass Notification

5 Types of Hospital Cyberattacks

October 25, 2019 Posted by in Business Continuity, Mass Notification

Nearly 55% of healthcare companies in the U.S. claimed that they faced cyberattacks. According to the 2018 Horizon Report, almost 100% of all web applications that are connected to critical health systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks.

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6 Ways To Improve Tenant Communication In A Shopping Mall

October 23, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

An average shopping mall has anywhere between 50 to 100 stores. In addition, mall sizes can range from a few hundred thousand square feet to millions. In order to deal with so many tenants spread across this vast area, shopping malls need to have a communication plan in place.

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How to Create a Hospital Disaster Plan

October 15, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

Hospitals are places that are meant to heal people after a natural disaster strikes or health emergencies. However, they can become places of disasters and violence due to natural calamities, internal or external threats.

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What The Reauthorization of PAHPA Means For Hospital Emergency Preparedness

October 7, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) was passed in December 2006 and has great implications for preparedness and response activities of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during emergencies.

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How To Choose The Best Mass Notification Solution

December 27, 2018 Posted by in Mass Notification

Congratulations! You’ve made up your mind that your organization needs mass notification software. This is a smart and wise decision, and here’s why.

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Using Outlook to Send Text Messages

November 13, 2018 Posted by in Mass Notification

Modern day communication provides companies and individuals with a gateway towards a long-lasting, fruitful, and beneficial relationship, regardless of the area or industry in which it is used, from relationships between customers and their favorite brand, property managers and the businesses or individuals renting their buildings, to relationships between businesses and their employees, and everything in between. Whether we are …

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How To Know If You Need To Upgrade Your Mass Notification System

October 31, 2018 Posted by in Mass Notification

Organizations of all sizes and cultures see the value in preparing for emergencies. In fact, recent research indicates that a whopping 86% of American organizations have an emergency communications plan in place. Undoubtedly this is the case because time and again they have been proven to be the backbone of a facility’s communication infrastructure. However, utilizing an emergency communication plan …

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How To Implement A Mass Notification System

October 30, 2018 Posted by in Mass Notification

In practical terms, a mass notification system is a rapid-response system designed for internal communication to broadcast notifications to pre-subscribed individuals, mostly employees, thus keeping them informed before, during or after a specific event.

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How RedFlag Helps Businesses Enhance Their Business Continuity Plans

May 17, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity, Mass Notification

When creating a business continuity plan, you are creating a robust outline of procedures and measures to support your business in times of crisis. Therefore, any software that can enhance the performance of your business continuity plan must be considered and utilized. Redflag has a selection of features that streamline emergency notifications across all platforms, making communication easy and professional …

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How to Easily Keep Staff, Customers, and Key Stakeholders Informed During Critical Incidents

April 11, 2018 Posted by in Business Continuity, Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

Critical incidents often occur with little or no warning and need to be addressed immediately and professionally. In the event of a critical incident it is important to have the correct measures in place in order to keep all parties informed and updated with all details available in real time. Failure to communicate during a critical incident can create insecurity …

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