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Improve Crisis Communication by Tailoring Mass Notification System Alert Messages for Each Channel

Blog Posts

Category: Mass Notification

Improve Crisis Communication by Tailoring Mass Notification System Alert Messages for Each Channel

August 13, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Which channel should I use for crisis communication during an emergency? Having a mass notification system at the ready to reach all employees in an organization can be incredibly beneficial in a crisis. An emergency alert system allows for the timely distribution of crisis communication that goes a long way in ensuring the safety and reputation of an organization and …

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Tips To Ensure Your Emergency Notification System Is Ready For An Emergency

June 25, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Disasters and calamities are inevitable; they cannot be done away with. But what organizations can control is how to respond in such a situation and prepare for them so that the damage can be controlled and minimized. Disaster preparedness is an ongoing process that calls for constant monitoring so that everything is kept updated.

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Pocketstop’s RedFlag Notification System Runs on Microsoft Azure

May 28, 2014 Posted by in Mass Notification, Microsoft Integration

As Chief Technology Evangelist of Pocketstop, one of my jobs is to evangelize our products and help potential customers and partners better understand our platforms and the infrastructure required to deliver them. Having said that, I would like to use this blog post to discuss Pocketstop’s RedFlag Notification System, running on Microsoft Azure.

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When To Test Your Emergency Notification Plan

April 9, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Crisis communication solution have become an integral part of the disaster management plans of several prominent organizations today. These systems can be used as a broadcast medium to disseminate important and critical information to all the parties concerned in the event of an emergency. An emergency notification system is the perfect aid to dispatch timely information to relevant personnel so …

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Emergency Notification System for Apartment Complexes

April 9, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Emergencies and disasters are unpredictable events that can strike any place. Such situations call for advance preparedness so when (or if) a crisis actually occurs, you know what needs to happen and how it should be done. The emergency preparedness plan should take into consideration all the possible scenarios and appropriate personnel should know their roles. It is also important …

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Why Do Shopping Malls Need Notification Systems?

March 12, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

The retail industry is growing and the number of shopping malls is mushrooming across various cities. With so many malls in existence, it is inevitable that from time-to-time they will be exposed to a variety of uncertainties and risks in the form of sudden weather changes, violence, small children being separated from their parents to name a few. In critical …

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Emergency Action Plan for Olympics

February 3, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

With the Winter Olympics starting this week, a major concern among Americans planning to attend the games is security. Considering the fact that security is a huge concern even when the games are held in America, it is understandable that the need for a robust security setup increases manifold when Americans travel overseas to attend the Olympics. In fact, Americans …

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