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Why Using Beacons for Proximity Marketing Is a Bad Idea

Blog Posts

Why Using Beacons for Proximity Marketing Is a Bad Idea

December 7, 2018 Posted by in Other

Proximity marketing technologies and strategies occupy a large sector of the digital marketing industry, even though they are relatively new. Customers demand a more personalized experience when dealing or interacting with their favorite brands, and marketers offered them such an experience with the help of proximity marketing and its fast-developing tools. For example, it is estimated that by 2022, the …

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5 Crisis Communication Tips Between Government Agencies

December 6, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Crisis communication is receiving more and more global attention from both the corporate environment and from public or governmental institutions. With the world being under the threat of crises of a diverse nature, the need for cooperating and finding an appropriate solution for crisis communication is all the more poignant in an era driven by new media and the impact …

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5 Tips for Effective Crisis Communication

December 5, 2018 Posted by in Crisis Communications

Although it has been around for many years, crisis communication is just now starting to see an increase in awareness towards the importance of the industry and the impact crisis communication has on the wellbeing of businesses and institutions from all over the world. In today’s technology-driven times, when information travels with the speed of light, the way a company …

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Qualities of a Great EHS Professional

December 4, 2018 Posted by in Other

When it comes to workplace safety, all companies, no matter the industry should concern themselves with having effective strategies in place and team of EHS professionals always ready to tackle any situation. Whether you have a retail, industrial, hospitality, or entertainment company, having a strong hold of what environmental, health, and safety entails should be a top priority for you, …

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5 Great Holiday Text Message Marketing Campaigns

December 3, 2018 Posted by in Other

The holiday season is a beautiful yet demanding and nerve-wracking time for companies all over the world, regardless of size or industry. Struggling to keep customers happy while making the most of investments and aiming to fulfill all goals can be a tough battle, especially when marketing teams are not making full use of modern and efficient means of marketing. …

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How to Use Proximity Marketing to Drive Sales

November 16, 2018 Posted by in Other

We are living in a time when marketing is getting a lot of help from technology, thus resulting in innovative marketing solutions being available in the industry, solutions which can be used by all businesses, from small to large, regardless of sector or their location in the world. Digital marketing is traversing one of its most exciting periods, and not …

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What Is Proximity Marketing

November 15, 2018 Posted by in Other

Modern times have brought us a wide array of solutions and innovations when it comes to marketing. If many years ago marketing was something companies would allocate a small budget for, knowing they might never recover their investments as the means of implementation were few and not always effective, nowadays, marketing stands proudly at the top of any investor’s list …

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Why Rich Communication Services (RCS) Is the Future of Text Message Marketing

November 14, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

In a world driven by innovation and the need to manage our time as best as possible, the relationship between brands and customers will always be subject to change. Companies that don’t keep up with these changes, and that don’t upgrade their strategies, solutions, and technologies based on industry and customer demands are having a hard time with seeing the …

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Using Outlook to Send Text Messages

November 13, 2018 Posted by in Mass Notification

Modern day communication provides companies and individuals with a gateway towards a long-lasting, fruitful, and beneficial relationship, regardless of the area or industry in which it is used, from relationships between customers and their favorite brand, property managers and the businesses or individuals renting their buildings, to relationships between businesses and their employees, and everything in between. Whether we are …

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The 6 Disadvantages of Using Beacons for Proximity Marketing

November 12, 2018 Posted by in Other

Proximity marketing is one of the most popular marketing techniques of the past years, and its increase in popularity has attracted not only the attention of marketers and industry professionals, but also that of organizations and customers from all over the world, as the services it provides are modern, intuitive, highly-efficient, and in most cases, cost-friendly. With proximity marketing, customers …

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