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The History of Text Messaging

Blog Posts

The History of Text Messaging

December 24, 2018 Posted by in Other

December is the month in which we celebrate the sending of the first text message, something which 26 years later has become such a significant part of our lives that we can’t even imagine a time when people were not able to be within a few seconds reach of each other, regardless of time zones or geography. On December 3rd …

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5 Tips To Reduce Manufacturing Safety Hazards

December 21, 2018 Posted by in Other

Although technological advancements and the development of new health and safety regulations have led to safety significantly improving for workers throughout all industries, in the manufacturing industry, accidents still occur in an alarming pace as opposed to other industries that have similar activities. According to the US Department of Labor, 4 in every 100 manufacturing employees are involved in accidents …

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What is The ROI of Text Message Marketing?

December 21, 2018 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

Text message marketing is a highly flexible and efficient digital marketing solution companies regardless of their size and sector, which is why its implementation has skyrocketed in the in previous years, with 66% of the global population having used text messages for business communication in 2018. Companies and marketers who have found a way to keep up with industry innovation and …

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5 Tips for Creating a Manufacturing Emergency Response Plan

December 19, 2018 Posted by in Other

In today’s technology-driven times, most companies, regardless of industry, have found a solution for creating and implementing emergency response plan for their employees and for ensuring business continuity. When it comes to the manufacturing industry, although the situation is similar, with most companies operating in manufacturing having means and methods in place for emergency response plans, very few of them …

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5 Reasons You Should Use Proximity Marketing for Events

December 18, 2018 Posted by in Other

Companies and marketers are adopting technology at an amazingly fast rate, which means stronger bonds with their customers, an increase on their ROI, and fortifying their brands and reputation in ways that no one would have envisioned years ago, when traditional marketing methods were all about making the sale, no matter what. In today’s technology-driven times, proximity marketing has proven …

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Pocketstop Reviews: We Want Your Feedback

December 17, 2018 Posted by in Other

The communication software industry is experiencing one of its most impressive eras, with state-of-the-art changes, new strategies, and new technologies being developed by the minute. Virtual and augmented realities are taking the retail world by storm, voice is becoming a useful tool rather than something we’re ignoring in our text-based interactions, and AI-powered technologies are now more of a reality …

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Why You’re Failing at Text Message Marketing

December 14, 2018 Posted by in Other

Text message marketing, an approach praised and implemented by numerous companies worldwide, regardless of their size or industry, is becoming more and more popular as new technologies for it emerge, and customers’ needs for a personalized experience increase. Due to its easiness, versatility, and success rates, text message marketing is the go-to solution for when you need to run a …

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Best Emergency Communication Practices for Senior Living Facilities

December 13, 2018 Posted by in Other

The demand for emergency communication in the healthcare industry has always been high, yet sometimes we tend to overlook such aspects until it becomes too obvious not too. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods or fires have brought the situation of the healthcare system to the public’s attention, and have opened our eyes in regards to the need for emergency …

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KPIs for Property Managers

December 12, 2018 Posted by in Other

Every property has its peculiarities and requires a professional who understands more than just buildings. Many property managers are very busy most of the time; it is therefore very easy to overlook key facts and issues. The fragmented nature of this industry calls for property managers to be on top of things and be constantly aware of how the business …

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How To Create A Building Incidents Plan

December 11, 2018 Posted by in Other

Managing commercial properties comes with massive responsibilities. Not only are commercial property managers responsible for large numbers of people who work or reside in buildings that they have oversight, but they also manage some pricey establishments. In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors, commercial real estate in 2015 comprised of more than $29.3 billion in industrial property, $14.2 …

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