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Office Evacuation Plans: How to Get Your People to Safety

Blog Posts

Office Evacuation Plans: How to Get Your People to Safety

February 28, 2023 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

How can a robust office evacuation plan keep your people safe? John F. Kennedy once remarked, “Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” He was talking about how a country charts its course to achieve its objectives, but if you’re an organization that wants to protect your team in an emergency, it’s worth taking note of his …

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When Seconds Count: Building Your Emergency Lockdown Plan

January 27, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Seconds count when lives are on the line, and the best time to prepare for an emergency is before a crisis strikes. That’s why it’s vital every organization develop an effective Emergency Lockdown Plan. Since there are many facets to an Emergency Lockdown Plan, it helps to narrow our definition for clarity: An emergency lockdown is a procedure in which …

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5 Reasons Hospitals Should Use a Mass Notification System

January 14, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Hospitals are challenging institutions as they typically deal with life and death situations, day in day out. Rather than being the exception, emergencies are the rule, more so in a large hospital.

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Why You Need to Use Location Based Notifications

January 5, 2023 Posted by in Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Learn about the importance of having location-based notifications in your emergency communication system and how they can impact emergency situations. Location-based notifications are push alerts based on the location of your users. These communications can be targeted to a specific group based on where they are at that moment. In short, these messages are relevant to where the person is …

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Pocketstop RedFlag Announces Location-Based Alerts, Coming February 2023

December 15, 2022 Posted by in Pockestop News, Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification

In a critical situation, seconds can matter. For employers with a mobile or multi-location workforce, real-time location helps inform who has been affected and the proper next steps required to keep everyone safe and informed. RedFlag is planning to release new functionality allowing users to send more relevant messages at the right time with location-targeted alerts. The updates include: Hyper-targeted …

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Why You Should Include a Mass Alert App in Your Emergency Response Plan

November 14, 2022 Posted by in Other

Learn why a mass alert app (also known as a mass notification system) is essential to your emergency response plan for your business. During a crisis, communication is essential to saving lives and property. While you have likely created an emergency response plan that covers evacuation, shelters, fire extinguishers, and team leads, have you carefully considered all your communication options? …

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Location-Based Alerts – Hyper-Target Messages for Relevancy and Clarity

October 25, 2022 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Location-Based Alerts, Business Continuity

No matter what kind of communication, sending it to the right people is important – especially considering their location for location-based alerts. For a mass notification, segmenting is critical to reaching employees and other stakeholders at just the right time with the precise message. What is segmenting? Segmenting is a way to group your recipients based on certain criteria. This …

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RedFlag Named Winner of 15 Badges in Fall 2022 on G2

October 17, 2022 Posted by in Pockestop News, Business Continuity, Crisis Communications

Pocketstop RedFlag has been awarded Easiest to Use, Users Most Likely to Recommend, and winner of 15 total badges in the Emergency Mass Notification Software category for the Fall 2022 on G2.  RedFlag was also named a High Performer, demonstrating leadership in simplifying emergency communications for organizations in North America. G2 is the world’s largest review platform for business software …

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Emergency Preparedness Plan for Severe Weather

October 5, 2022 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Business Continuity

An emergency preparedness plan specifically for severe weather and events is critical to business continuity and safety. Climate-related disasters jumped 83 percent in the past 20 years according to a study done at Yale University. Major floods have more than doubled, the number of severe storms has risen 40 percent, and there have been rises in droughts, wildfires, and heatwaves. …

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Four Reasons Why A Mass Notification System Should Be Part Of Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

October 2, 2022 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

When it comes to an organization’s emergency preparedness plan, often we become complacent in our preparations or succumb to the thought that “it won’t happen to me.” Unfortunately, disaster does not discriminate and all of us are as some risk for bad things happening. Emergency planning, a robust emergency preparedness plan and a mass notification system can help us mitigate …

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