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How a Mass Notification System Enhances Incident Management

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October 29, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

The advent of information technology (IT) has greatly improved business processes in organizations across the world. Every business, big or small, uses IT to facilitate communication, automate operations, and carry out a plethora of other activities. This, in turn, has helped many companies improve efficiency and generate higher revenue.

However, the dependence on IT often makes organizations susceptible to threats such as security breaches, cyber-attacks, etc. Even something less threatening, such as a network slowdown or software failure, can disrupt your business and cause significant losses. This emphasizes the need for a meticulous incident management system that can tackle any IT emergency in your organization.

Incident management relies heavily on effective communication and swift responses. Even the slightest delay in addressing an IT incident can interrupt other departments and bring your business to a standstill. A mass notification system is one of the most effective tools for implementing IT incident management through effective communications.

Are you wondering why is important for incident management? Let’s find out.

Incident Management with Mass Notification Systems

The main objective of incident management is to prepare an organization for an unexpected breakdown of the IT system. It is done to identify any potential hardware or software failure, network slowdown, security breach, etc. A good incident management strategy ensures that normal business operations can quickly resume following an IT incident.

This requires flawless communication between IT personnel and other departments. A mass notification system facilitates this and offers many other benefits. Here are a few ways in which a mass notification system improves incident management:

Uninterrupted Communication

The first step of incident management is to spot a potentially dangerous incident and immediately inform the concerned personnel. This can be easily implemented with a mass notification system. You can use it to send timely alerts to key decision-makers. This, in turn, will help them identify any additional problems right at the onset.

Apart from internal company communications, you can send notifications to vendors and stakeholders informing them of the situation. This helps keep them in the loop and prevents any misunderstandings from arising due to a lack of communication. In addition to keeping them updated, you can also send out tips to deal with the situation more efficiently or solicit advice. It eliminates the need to reach out individually to everyone, thus saving you a lot of precious time.

Another big advantage is that most mass notification systems allow two-way communication. This lets you track the progress of the preventive measures, seek feedback from other departments, and take critical decisions on the go. Effective communication is the key to handling any crisis in an organization. A mass notification system helps with incident management by doing just that.

Improved Efficiency

When faced with a crisis, time is of the utmost importance. Even the most thoroughly developed crisis management plan can fail in the absence of timely communication. The sooner your IT staff learns about a critical situation, the faster they can jump into action. This, in turn, helps them control the incident before it completely disrupts the normal functioning of your company.

A mass notification system reduces the response time between important decision-makers and staff members. It helps them quickly coordinate with each other and take the necessary steps. It also helps ensure that there is no delay in the decision-making process. This, in turn, enhances the overall efficiency of your incident management system.

Moreover, since you save time by notifying everyone at once, you can focus better on your work. You get an opportunity to think clearly and monitor the work done by others. This, in turn, lets you interfere at the right moment and further refine the incident management process.

Business Continuity

One of the biggest setbacks of a business crisis is the disruption of business processes. For instance, network lag can come in the way of your customer support team. If they are unable to communicate with your clients at the right time, your business will suffer. You may lose valuable customers, and your revenue may go down drastically.

A mass notification system helps prevent this by providing an effective communication channel with your colleagues in other departments who engage with customers and improving the response time. The ability to take prompt and timely decisions lets your IT staff control the crisis before it escalates. This, in turn, reduces the impact and severity of the incident. It helps normal business operations to resume in the aftermath of the crisis quickly.

Minimal Losses

When an IT incident gets out of hand, your business can incur significant losses. Even if all operations are stalled for an hour, you lose out on valuable business. It can drive potential customers away and also damage your relationship with existing customers and stakeholders. The only way to prevent this is to deal with the crisis right at its onset using a mass notification system.

Moreover, constant communication between various departments helps ensure that everyone is prepared to deal with the crisis. This, in turn, reduces the extent of its damage and helps other departments recuperate much faster and resume normal operations. This ensures that your sales and revenue don’t suffer a hit.

Thus, a mass notification system minimizes the losses incurred due to an IT incident. Moreover, it inculcates a culture of communication and coordination among your staff. This can be extremely helpful when your company is faced with a bigger crisis.


Incident management requires thorough research, monitoring, and planning. Redflag helps you put that plan into action. It lets you communicate with supervisors, decision-makers, and key staff members in a jiffy. It also helps save time by minimizing the delay in response, thus allowing your staff to make quick decisions. This, in turn, prevents your business from coming to a standstill and ensures that your revenue doesn’t drop.

A mass notification system is like a backbone that supports IT incident management at every step. In the long run, it also helps your staff identify adverse situations and take the necessary precautions. It also promotes a culture of communication, thus ensuring that all departments work in tandem to control the crisis.

Has your business ever been hit by an IT crisis? How did you respond to it? Let us know in the comments.

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