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A Mass Notification System: A Way to Communicate When It Counts

A Mass Notification System: A Way to Communicate When It Counts

May 3, 2020 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

In the wake of the Paris tragedies, the importance of emergency preparedness and crisis communications is once again highlighted.

When the news broke about Paris, I couldn’t help but think to myself “not again.” I was heartbroken for those innocent people that were lost and their families, friends and country. I was angry but I also felt fear. Where will this happen next? Is this going to happen again in the United States? The days of September 11 still are fresh in the minds of those old enough to remember that day and November 13 will be a similar day for the French.

What can be done?

What can we do? You and me. Normal people leading normal lives.

All we can do, is be prepared. We say it all the time, but as a leader in our businesses, organizations and even our homes we must not think “it won’t happen to us” because it just might. We love to talk about it because it’s what we here at Pocketstop are passionate about, but let’s talk again about how emergency alert systems are very useful communication tools for both during and after an emergency.

Emergency situations require immediate, reliable communications and do not leave room for error. As humans, excess pressure, confusion and anxiety during critical situations can cause us to make mistakes when the time counts. Unfortunately, making mistakes during critical situations can lead to serious consequences. Implementing, and using, an employee alert app at your organization can be a reliable source of communication that works well especially when it is needed the most.

Why use a mass notification system?

A mass alert apps can ensure your crisis communications are sent swiftly and are delivered via multiple channels to increase the likelihood messages are received by your workforce, students, customers—or whoever your audience may be. Emergency alert software can help reduce mean time to response (MTTR) in an emergency and enforces timely communication. A robust notification app has the capability to inform a vast audience and even the general public for those systems integrated with social media. The RedFlag mass notification software is a powerful system fully integrated with multiple communication channels.

Why is it important to use multi-channel emergency notification software?

During an emergency, trying to communicate with your workforce through single modes of communication can be ineffective and wastes valuable time. Using a multi-channel app to communicate to your workforce, and others, about safety precautions, evacuation instructions, directions to shelter-in-place and other life-saving information during life-threatening events is critical—there is no time to lose during an emergency. Minimizing the time wasted during an emergency is paramount and obtaining a response quickly is equally as important. The RedFlag app has made it possible to immediately notify a large number of people when an emergency is imminent, during an emergency and even during post-emergency communications. With the help of digital technology, information can be distributed rapidly and people can be informed via a variety of devices including landlines, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and desktops using voice, text and e-mail messages and social media updates. During an emergency, increasing the channels of delivery increases readership and response time.

What situations can mass communication software be used for?

Mass communication tools can be used for an endless number of situations. Your workforce needs to be well informed about developing emergency situations—whether the crisis involves a potential terrorist attack, an active shooter, a burglary or something less severe, but still with potential to cause problems, such as a power outage. Each of these situations and others demand different responses. For example, evacuation instructions should be pre-loaded into a message in the app in case of a fire or earthquake. In the event of a fire, the administrator would be able to easily access the pre-loaded message to save time and increase response by employees and customers. For more situations where a mass notification can be used and how you can create pre-loaded messages, click here.

What is Pocketstop’s RedFlag?

RedFlag is a multi-channel mass notification system run by the folks here at Pocketstop. It provides intelligible solutions for any organization’s communication needs—especially multi-tenant organizations that have a unique communication challenge. When the RedFlag app is put in place it generates a general sense of security among its users—they have a way to get the word out now. RedFlag software is not only easy to use and easy to manage, it also comes equipped with options that go beyond traditional sirens and fire alarms. By saving precious time, keeping people well informed and reducing the mean time to response, mass notifications users are a step ahead in improving inclement situations.

With the right tools, training and preparedness efforts, you can give your people, and yourself, peace of mind that if a terrible event, like in Paris, were to occur at your organization, you’d be prepared to handle it.

For more information about the RedFlag Notification System and how it can be used as a key crisis communication tool please give us a call at 469-457-2366 or go to Pocketstop  to live chat with us today.

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See how RedFlag can help you protect what matters most with a 15-minute custom demo.