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Pocketstop RedFlag’s Latest Release Adds Location-Based Alerts for Increased Safety and Communication

Blog Posts

Category: Mass Notification

Pocketstop RedFlag’s Latest Release Adds Location-Based Alerts for Increased Safety and Communication

March 30, 2023 Posted by in Pockestop News, Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification

In today’s workplace, hyper-targeted, GPS-informed communication can mean the difference between the success or failure of your business, as well as the safety or risk of your people. Smart organizations must maintain a dynamic connection with their entire network, including providing real-time information and support to a mobile workforce.  To meet these demands, RedFlag has released a range of enhanced …

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Why SMS Text Alone Isn’t a Reliable Emergency Communication Plan

March 22, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Any strong emergency communication plan has several components – preparation and practice, protocols, and communication. Consider a building fire – it wouldn’t be enough to just pull the alarm. Evacuation routes must be posted, employees should know what to do from practice, and a team is ready to communicate with emergency personnel and stakeholders to keep everyone safe an informed. …

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The Evolution of Emergency Communication Technology

March 16, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Emergency Communication Systems Keeps People Safe and Informed As the world grows more unpredictable, potential emergency situations continue to multiply (ICM Annual Crisis Report). From natural disasters like inclement weather and building fires to man-made threats like chemical spills, active shooters, and terrorist attacks, the scope of potential emergencies in the modern workplace increases daily. Pair this volatile environment with …

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Office Evacuation Plans: How to Get Your People to Safety

February 28, 2023 Posted by in Crisis Communications, Mass Notification

How can a robust office evacuation plan keep your people safe? John F. Kennedy once remarked, “Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” He was talking about how a country charts its course to achieve its objectives, but if you’re an organization that wants to protect your team in an emergency, it’s worth taking note of his …

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When Seconds Count: Building Your Emergency Lockdown Plan

January 27, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Seconds count when lives are on the line, and the best time to prepare for an emergency is before a crisis strikes. That’s why it’s vital every organization develop an effective Emergency Lockdown Plan. Since there are many facets to an Emergency Lockdown Plan, it helps to narrow our definition for clarity: An emergency lockdown is a procedure in which …

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5 Reasons Hospitals Should Use a Mass Notification System

January 14, 2023 Posted by in Mass Notification

Hospitals are challenging institutions as they typically deal with life and death situations, day in day out. Rather than being the exception, emergencies are the rule, more so in a large hospital.

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Why You Need to Use Location Based Notifications

January 5, 2023 Posted by in Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification, Internal Communications

Learn about the importance of having location-based notifications in your emergency communication system and how they can impact emergency situations. Location-based notifications are push alerts based on the location of your users. These communications can be targeted to a specific group based on where they are at that moment. In short, these messages are relevant to where the person is …

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Pocketstop RedFlag Announces Location-Based Alerts, Coming February 2023

December 15, 2022 Posted by in Pockestop News, Location-Based Alerts, Mass Notification

In a critical situation, seconds can matter. For employers with a mobile or multi-location workforce, real-time location helps inform who has been affected and the proper next steps required to keep everyone safe and informed. RedFlag is planning to release new functionality allowing users to send more relevant messages at the right time with location-targeted alerts. The updates include: Hyper-targeted …

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Four Reasons Why A Mass Notification System Should Be Part Of Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

October 2, 2022 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

When it comes to an organization’s emergency preparedness plan, often we become complacent in our preparations or succumb to the thought that “it won’t happen to me.” Unfortunately, disaster does not discriminate and all of us are as some risk for bad things happening. Emergency planning, a robust emergency preparedness plan and a mass notification system can help us mitigate …

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Emergency Broadcast Message Example

September 12, 2022 Posted by in Mass Notification, Crisis Communications

Familiarizing yourself with an emergency broadcast message example can reduce the time you would otherwise need to compose an effective note that you would send to your staff in an emergency. Most people think that emergencies and disasters happen to other people. Work your plan as if any or all of these emergencies can and will actually happen to you …

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