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5 Ways Property Managers Can Attract Quality Tenants

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5 Ways Property Managers Can Attract Quality Tenants

November 8, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification, Resident, Tenant & Vendor Communications

Managing a property is no easy task. You need to continuously ensure that the facilities are top-notch and your customers get the best services possible.

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How Retail Shopping Centers Can Market Pop-Up Stores

October 31, 2019 Posted by in Other

Pop-up stores have recently emerged as an effective and popular marketing tool for brands. They are temporary retail establishments that can be set up on the streets, in shopping malls, or at public events. Depending on the location and marketing objective, a pop-up store can be available for a few days or even weeks. Many big brands, including Nike, Google, …

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How a Mass Notification System Enhances Incident Management

October 29, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

The advent of information technology (IT) has greatly improved business processes in organizations across the world. Every business, big or small, uses IT to facilitate communication, automate operations, and carry out a plethora of other activities. This, in turn, has helped many companies improve efficiency and generate higher revenue.

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5 Types of Hospital Cyberattacks

October 25, 2019 Posted by in Business Continuity, Mass Notification

Nearly 55% of healthcare companies in the U.S. claimed that they faced cyberattacks. According to the 2018 Horizon Report, almost 100% of all web applications that are connected to critical health systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks.

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6 Ways To Improve Tenant Communication In A Shopping Mall

October 23, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

An average shopping mall has anywhere between 50 to 100 stores. In addition, mall sizes can range from a few hundred thousand square feet to millions. In order to deal with so many tenants spread across this vast area, shopping malls need to have a communication plan in place.

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5 Ways Your Guest Wi-Fi Can Improve Your Shopping Center Marketing

October 21, 2019 Posted by in Other

Wi-Fi may be used for connecting to the internet, but it can be a great way of marketing your shopping center too. In fact, it has been shown that consumers stay longer at a business when provided with wi-fi.

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7 Shopping Mall Holiday Marketing Ideas

October 17, 2019 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360

While your retail tenants are planning out their promotions, it’s crucial for shopping malls to come up with unique marketing ideas to increase foot traffic.

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How to Create a Hospital Disaster Plan

October 15, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

Hospitals are places that are meant to heal people after a natural disaster strikes or health emergencies. However, they can become places of disasters and violence due to natural calamities, internal or external threats.

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6 Ways To Involve Tenants In Your Shopping Mall Marketing

October 9, 2019 Posted by in Other

Whether you wish to get the newest smartphone, purchase new clothes, grab some drinks, or watch the latest Hollywood blockbuster movies, a shopping mall has it all. However, with so many malls and trends going against shopping centers, it has become more difficult in recent years to increase foot traffic.

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What The Reauthorization of PAHPA Means For Hospital Emergency Preparedness

October 7, 2019 Posted by in Mass Notification

The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) was passed in December 2006 and has great implications for preparedness and response activities of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during emergencies.

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