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Benefits Of Mass Notification System

Blog Posts

Category: Pockestop News

Benefits Of Mass Notification System

January 8, 2014 Posted by in Pockestop News

A mass notification system is a valuable tool for every organization that can be used to send out time-sensitive information to a mass audience. Ideally, such a system sends this information through multiple channels, so as to eliminate the odds of the user not receiving the information in time. The communication is usually detailed and descriptive, as opposed to being …

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The Three Stages Of A Crisis

December 18, 2013 Posted by in Pockestop News

An essential aspect of effective crisis communication is to divide the crisis into different stages, in order to prevent the adoption of a blanket approach to crisis management. A crisis can be divided into three stages: Pre-crisis Acute-crisis Post-crisis Pre-Crisis The pre-crisis stage can also be described as the “warning” stage in which a member of the organization, usually the …

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Crisis Communications Plan for Shopping Centers

November 20, 2013 Posted by in Pockestop News

Crisis communication plays an undeniably important role in the effective management of shopping centers, which like most other big to medium-sized businesses, are highly prone to situations requiring immediate action. As a shopping center owner or property manager, you can’t afford to think like an ostrich, either believing that nothing bad will ever happen to your business, or thinking that …

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