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How to Achieve an Omni-Channel Customer Experience with Text Message Marketing

How to Achieve an Omni-Channel Customer Experience with Text Message Marketing

February 2, 2016 Posted by in Text Message Marketing - M360, Pockestop News

As more consumers reach for their mobile devices to make purchases, retailers are using text message marketing to drive consumer engagement and provide customers a seamless, omni-channel experience.

When I came across this article on Mobile Marketing Watch about the growing segment of mobile commerce, I thought about my own mCommerce activity for a moment…

I pulled out my Smartphone.


That’s the number of apps I have that I make purchases with.


That’s the number of text message campaigns I have opted into.

Not bad, considering my wife does most of the shopping for our family. But there are times when I need to order a gift or want to buy some new music. If I’ve got a little extra time (in the waiting room at the doctors, in line at the store) I love being able to pull out my phone, go to my favorite app and… click, click, click… done. Or, the local flower shop sends me a text message reminder a week before my wife’s birthday to help me remember a gift. Whew. Disaster averted. And phone back in pocket and it’s off my mind.

But how can these apps get me more engaged? How can they get my attention not just when I remember I need to buy something?

That’s where text message marketing can play a huge role. Text message marketing aims to get consumers engaged by creating a very personal experience for them. And it could be the missing link in your omni-channel marketing strategy. Text message marketing efforts can be used to offer discounts, coupons or special “mobile only” offers and can be used to educate the consumer about new products or services. The possibilities are really endless when it comes to text message marketing. But these efforts are more than just a blast message with hopes of a response, text message marketing efforts create a relationship between retailers and consumers that is mutually beneficial, effective and proven.

Text message marketing gives online retailers the ability to add a human touch1, something that is hard to do in an online world. Text message marketing notifications can be personalized, friendly and appeal to consumers more than say, your standard “thank you for shopping with us” e-mail. And text messaging not only compliments your other marketing activities it can also help strengthen them.

It easiest to sell to your existing customers. Once you have them, keep them engaged with a text message marketing campaign that is consistent and complimentary to your other marketing activities. By doing this, the increased return on your investment will help you grow your mobile commerce business, your retail business and your regular online business. You can offer an in-store promo to increase foot traffic or an online coupon to do the same for virtual traffic. There really are endless ways to use text message marketing to help grow your business and provide customers with an omni-channel experience. Check out some of our case studies for real-life examples of how text message marketing can work.

For more information about Pocketstop’s text message marketing solution and how we can help you increase mCommece, drive consumer engagement and provide customers with an omni-channel experience, give us a call today at 877-840-2444 or live chat with us today at


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