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How to Keep Black Friday Shoppers Safe with a Mass Notification System

How to Keep Black Friday Shoppers Safe with a Mass Notification System

November 25, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

A Mass Notification System Increases Coordination and Control during Busy Times

BONUS READ: Learn How SMS Can Increase Your Black Friday Sales

The holiday season is officially upon us! Christmas lights are going up in neighborhoods, travel plans are being made and shopping for gifts is on everyone’s to do list. If you’re a retailer, property manager of a mall or retail center the increased traffic from holiday shoppers at your location is going to need a matched increase of communication, security and patrols from your employees, tenants and staff.

Three words: Mass Notification System.

But let me back up a little first. With the increases in traffic at shopping malls and retail centers around the country, mall owners and property managers must be vigilant against crime and other suspicious activity. Everyone is already on high alert because of the ongoing terror attacks that are happening abroad and no one wants another tragedy here at home. So what should be done to increase the safety and security of holiday shoppers?

First, shopping malls and retail centers should make sure they have reviewed and held training on their emergency preparedness and crisis communication plans. A refresher will help shopping centers make sure they are prepared if there is a crisis at their location. And although owners can’t anticipate what will happen or when, they can address the most probable scenarios and be ready to respond quickly if something does occur.

Second, shopping malls and retail centers should have a mass notification system in place that is updated continually and tested regularly. A mass notification system enables the mall to efficiently notify all employees, tenants and staff in a matter of seconds—from any location. Mass notifications systems, like our very own RedFlag, that employ today’s current technologies enable property managers or owners to send a single message and have it distributed by email, text, and voice call. For example, an assistant manager who is out working with customers and took refuge in a storage room can be updated by text. At the same time, a store manager who has the day off can be alerted by voice call so they can take appropriate action as well.

We are all mobile these days. And most of us, even if we don’t have a work issued Smartphone, have a personal phone capable of receiving messages from a mass notification system nearby. Taking advantage of this shift in Smartphone usage is must for those entrusted to keep the public safe and secure while shopping. You really can’t go anywhere these days and not find someone on their phone.

Lastly, malls can make sure their employees, tenants and staff know what to expect during a crisis. Making sure tenants are familiar with the mall’s emergency action plan and what they are expected to do in the case of an emergency will help ensure visitors and employees take the best action to protect themselves and others. Also educating them on being attuned to your mass notification system of choice is helpful. During a disruptive event or critical situation—they should know to be on the lookout for instructions or an update from you via your mass notification system.

Even if tragedy doesn’t strike, a mass notification system can help increase coordination and control at your shopping mall or retail center where most of your employees, tenants and staff, at any given time, are going to be at different locations—retail shop, storeroom, lunch break, off-site, etc. Letting them know about the need to close an entrance or extend hours or about a infrastructure outage or a slippery area outside via a mass notification system will increase the likelihood that the messages will reach them and not just a device due to a mass notification system’s multi-channel capability.

This holiday season, make sure your mass notification system is up and running! And if you don’t have one, please give us a call at 877-840-2444 to learn more about the RedFlag mass notification system.

BONUS READ: Learn How SMS Can Increase Your Black Friday Sales

I’ll make this quick, but I wanted to touch on a very HOT topic. SMS. SMS is a sizzling hot tool for marketers this holiday season. During this time of the year, you know as a retailer, mall owner or property manager that your center is going to have an uptick in traffic. Utilizing SMS, and specifically, proximity SMS messaging to reach your consumers while they are at your center (i.e. ready to spend $$$!) is an incredible opportunity for both you and your consumers. Pocketstop has a solution called Wifi Alive which leverages your shopping mall or retail center’s free wifi service. It’s a win-win for both you and consumers looking to score a deal. To learn more about Wifi Alive check out this video: Give us a call at 877-840-2444 or visit to live chat with us today about WiFi Alive and other SMS text message marketing solutions.

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