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RedFlag desktop alerts coming soon

RedFlag Announces Desktop Alerts, Coming August 2024

RedFlag desktop alerts coming soon

May 7, 2024 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

DALLAS, May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Reaching people quickly and effectively is a complicated task, especially in noisy, distracting environments – and especially when mobile devices are limited. Desktop notifications are highly effective in capturing employees’ attention, offering an impactful and disruptive way to ensure critical information is immediately seen and acted upon right where employees work – on desktops, laptops, or in shared spaces. 

Redflag, an award-winning mass notification software, is dedicated to providing the latest in technology to improve effective internal communication and is proud to announce new functionality, now in a beta release. This release includes desktop alerts, enabling users to send notifications directly to desktop machines, scheduled for hard launch in August. The updates include:

  • Customizable screen takeovers – send messages via corner screen, half screen, or full-screen
  • Easy segmentation of recipients
  • Customization of alert notifications to match users’ company branding
  • Full message functionality such as acknowledgement, polling, and sending links/files

This new functionality enhances visibility by incorporating desktop alerts into multi-channel messages for optimal reach. For even greater message segmentation and relevance, desktop alerts can also use precise location-based targeting using geofencing, based on where devices are online, like remote-worker’s laptops. Users are also able to target shared computer spaces with ease, like a receptionist’s desk, since individual devices aren’t tied to recipients. 

Beta-testers initial feedback is very positive, and users are excited to lead the way in mass notification technology. “RedFlag is committed to providing the latest in mass communication technology to keep recipients safe and informed through communication relevancy and clarity,” said Neal Guilliotti, Head of Product for RedFlag. “Desktop notifications empowers our clients to effectively expand their capabilities of communication, ensuring barriers are removed to keep employees informed.” 

To see more details on the upcoming release, schedule a walkthrough of the platform here.

About Pocketstop RedFlag
RedFlag is a 5-star-rated, multi-channel mass notification system equipping companies to communicate with their entire workforce in real-time to keep them safe and supported when seconds count. For more information, visit

View the original press release here. 

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