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How Can SMS Drive Multi-Channel Engagement?

Blog Posts

Category: Other

How Can SMS Drive Multi-Channel Engagement?

May 10, 2019 Posted by in Other

We often underestimate the power of SMS marketing. However, it is the most preferred way of communication for all Americans who are younger than 50. While SMS marketing can help you reach your target customer, it can also help improve your overall marketing strategy.

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Make Your Shopping Mall Marketing Budget Seem 3x Bigger

August 31, 2020 Posted by in Other

Optimizing your shopping mall’s marketing budget to seem bigger is something every center wants to do to maximize revenue and profits. In an age of Amazon, marketing is an essential to drive customers to visit your shopping malls.

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How Your Tenants Can Help To Amazon-Proof Your Shopping Mall

August 24, 2020 Posted by in Other

In an age of Amazon, shopping center marketers need to think and market differently especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 32% of shoppers go to stores because they enjoy the experience; more than three-quarters try to avoid stores altogether, according to the Salesforce Connected Shopper Report. Shopping centers must drive shoppers in by creating a unique selling proposition especially as …

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What “Good” Customer Engagement Can Look Like For Your Shopping Mall

August 19, 2020 Posted by in Other

How important is customer engagement for your shopping mall? Take a look into the very near future:

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Shopping Center Messaging to Shoppers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 27, 2020 Posted by in Other

Just because your shoppers aren’t currently visiting your shopping center, doesn’t mean you can’t reach out to them. You can’t afford shoppers forgetting about the great things your tenants and the center have to offer because you didn’t remind them.

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Your Burning Questions about Shopping Mall Customer Engagement, Answered

September 17, 2020 Posted by in Other

There is a fundamental difference among customer service, customer engagement and customer experience. This blog will focus on how to use all three strategies to differentiate your shopping center as a place that turns customers into advocates.

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Top Ways to Make Sales Promotion Work For Your Shopping Mall

September 8, 2020 Posted by in Other

Sales promotions can garner customers’ attention and loyalty. Personalized promotions are a good way to boost short-term sales, attract new and existing mall shoppers and increase dwell time for your center.

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