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emergency preparedness mass notification system message

7 Ways a Mass Notification System Saves Lives When Seconds Count

emergency preparedness mass notification system message

June 13, 2024 Posted by in Mass Notification

Advances in technology have always come with more advantages than disadvantages, which is why people are always so quick to embrace them. One of these many advances has revolutionized the way in which people are able to send and receive information. This advancement is in the form of emergency notification systems. The software can be used in different capacities, by different companies to achieve various results.

However, one of its best uses is as part of a crisis communication tool that can help enhance evacuation procedures — and save lives when seconds count.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the ways an app such as Pocketstop’s Redflag can accomplish this.

7 ways Mass Notification Software Saves Lives

Protecting Your People

Employee safety and well-being are at the heart of every company, and mass communication software ensure that even under the direst circumstances, companies can keep their people safe from harm.

One of the biggest challenges a company can face during an evacuation is ineffective communication. If people aren’t notified to evacuate in time, or if only a certain number of people can be notified, there’s a chance that the loss of life could occur.

Mass notification software gives employers, owners, and managers the ability to notify all their people about an evacuation. Instead of having to manually evacuate employees, a company can rely on the features of a mass notification which will help them get the message out fast. This system also makes it easier for your employees to follow evacuation procedures because they will always be told where to go and what to do so that no one is left in a vulnerable, dangerous position.

Rapid Threat Response

There’s no universal reason for an evacuation to occur in a business setting. This means there are several different scenarios that could arise that could call for an evacuation. A mass alert system ensures that there is a comprehensive threat-response strategy in place.

For example, if your business, organization, or property is under siege by an armed gunman, emergency notification software gives you the ability to notify all your people about the threat. This allows them to initiate the appropriate response, which should be detailed in your safety plans.

If there is a fire, mass alert systems can aid you in spreading information about which exits are blocked off and which ones are still accessible. Essentially, the system acts as a unique tool for ensuring that everyone can respond at the same time to the threat at hand.

This being said, it’s important to audit your safety plans and procedures on a regular basis. If you’re unsure about how to audit your security and evacuation procedures, consult with safety officials or commercial locksmiths that can help make sure your locks and other safety measures are compliant.

Complying with Safety Regulation

Safety is key, which is why there are regulations in place to ensure that people in workplaces are safe during evacuations. BUt since there are different regulations for different commercial spaces, it can be challenging to design a comprehensive evacuation procedure. However, with the aid of mass notification systems, many of these safety regulations are met and fulfilled.

Mass notification systems give companies the luxury of being able to spread information and awareness in a timely and unified fashion, which goes a long way to help keep employees safe.

For instance, most safety regulations dictate the way people should navigate a building in the case of an evacuation. In the heat of the moment, it can be very tricky to get everyone on the right track due to the fear and emotions often involved.

Mass notifications systems ensure everyone is told where they need to go during the evacuation process.

Rapid Response Time

Time is one of the most valuable assets in an evacuation procedure. If people are given enough time to react to an approaching threat, they will be able to galvanize and evacuate more expediently, which can lead to more lives being saved.

In some cases, it might not be best to broadcast your emergency evacuation alert to the masses because this could create panic. Instead, you can send an emergency alert to pre-designated safety managers who will help round up employees and direct them on how to safely evacuate the building. This simple measure helps prevent the spread of panic and allows the evacuation process to run smoothly.

Reduces the Spread of False Information

The spread of misinformation is a true hazard to evacuation procedures. In order to carry out an evacuation effectively, every member of a company has to be on the same page so that no one is left behind. However, it is very easy for the wrong information to be relayed during an evacuation.

Emergency  are important because they make sure that your people receive their information from a single trusted source. By using one source, you can reduce the spread of wrong evacuation orders.

This might sound trivial, but in a moment where every bit of information counts, a simple action taken on wrong information can lead to hazardous results.

Notification Acknowledgment

Notification acknowledgment is a truly unique feature of mass alert apps. During evacuations (and any other emergency procedure), there’s always the question of whether or not people are able to get the information necessary to get themselves to safety. In some cases, there’s never enough time to notify people. In other cases, even if you do notify people, they either don’t get the message, or they don’t get it on time.

Thanks to mass text systems, you’ll be able to see which of your people received and read the evacuation message. This process allows you to keep track of everyone who has been notified and will highlight those who have not yet received or read your evacuation message.

It might not sound like much, but this allows you to attempt to reach your people again so that no one is left behind. Furthermore, if there’s ever a cause for legal action, you can use your acknowledgment receipts as proof.

Increased Reach

This last point has been touched on in several of the other sections above, but it is still a key enhancement that deserves to be discussed on its own.

A mass communication software helps you increase the number of people you can reach when you wish to initiate your notification procedures. This is a key factor in making sure that everyone has access to the necessary information.

Aside from allowing you to increase the number of people you can reach, these notification systems help you hone in on specific people. In some companies (depending on the emergency), the evacuation protocol will dictate that the necessary information is handed by supervisors and safety managers before it’s disseminated to every individual. As stated earlier on, this helps stem the spread of panic.

Increased and specific reach increases the likelihood that all the right people are being given the information which, in turn, decreases the probability of loss of life.


Mass notification software has many integral uses, but they are best served to enhance the safety and security of people. These systems enhance the protocols that are already in place and they go a long way to reducing the number of casualties that may result from an emergency evacuation.

It is important to always ensure that your current evacuation plans can incorporate a notification system before you invest in one.

Ready to Get Started?

See how RedFlag can help you protect what matters most with a 15-minute custom demo.