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emergency preparedness mass notification system message

Improve Your Emergency Preparedness Plan with a Mass Notification System

emergency preparedness mass notification system message

September 26, 2021 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

No matter where you work or live a disaster can strike anywhere. Naturally occurring hazards, such as a hurricane or severe thunderstorm, and human-caused hazards, like a fire or civil disturbance, can cause equal opportunity disasters. They don’t judge, they are not biased and they could be coming for you next.

In order to protect life and ensure safety, security and business continuity as well as minimize the negative impacts of these events, it is important to have a useful and operational emergency preparedness plan ready. Take it a step further, and add a mass notification system to your emergency preparedness plan for maximum coverage when disaster strikes. Read on to learn more about improving your emergency preparedness plan with a mass notification system.

  • Protecting the lives and ensuring the safety of your people should be top priority when drafting an emergency preparedness plan. Effective communication via a mass notification system will help you meet this goal. It is critical to get the right messages to the right people at the right time during a crisis. Your folks should know where to go and whom to approach in case a disaster strikes. Every step of your emergency preparedness plan should have a component of communication.
  • For a business, it is not only important to take care of your employees, but also their families. You can improve your emergency preparedness plan to a great extent if you guide your employees on how they can take care of their families. Family is the backbone of every employee. If the family is safe, the employee will be a great asset to the organization. Part of your emergency preparedness plan should include setting up a “family group” in your mass notification system. Using a mass notification system to communicate with family members during a crisis has many benefits.
  • Additionally, as a business you have property, plant and equipment, inventory, stakeholders and a reputation to maintain. Make sure your emergency preparedness plan does not leave out any of these key areas. During a disasters, it is important to be proactive. Never wait for things to happen; if there is information on an imminent emergency situation, use your mass notification system to get the word out now. Start preparing now by dusting off your emergency preparedness plan, review it, revise it and communicate it to your organization.
  • For businesses and organizations that are very customer-centric, it is important to keep customers well informed about the impact a disaster can have on their transactions with your organization. A mass notification system can automatically post to social media sites — which is a great place for customers to receive information. If your IT systems go down during an emergency, let customers know as soon as you can. No power? No problem, a mass notification can be used from any internet connected device. Don’t forget to include alternate communication devices in your emergency preparedness plan in case the power does go out.
  • In addition to having an effective means of communication through a mass notification system, a robust emergency preparedness plan also needs to address your organization’s hazards and risks, ways to mitigate hazards and risks, and implementation plans for resource management, establishing a chain or command, emergency response, crisis communications, business continuity, loss of power to information technology systems, employee evacuation and assistance when needed and training, training, training. Don’t forget to train your people. And don’t just train them one way. It is important to have a back-up plan in case your primary emergency preparedness plans fall through due to unforeseen circumstances.

There are many critical areas to an emergency preparedness plan but a successful one includes a robust crisis communication design. For effective communication that is prompt and informative, choose the RedFlag Notification System. RedFlag’s mass notification system not only meets your communications needs during an emergency, but RedFlag can also assist your organization by effectively distributing routine communications as well. To learn more about the RedFlag Notification System, visit

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