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Crisis Communications Plan for Shopping Centers

Crisis Communications Plan for Shopping Centers

November 20, 2013 Posted by in Pockestop News

Crisis communication plays an undeniably important role in the effective management of shopping centers, which like most other big to medium-sized businesses, are highly prone to situations requiring immediate action. As a shopping center owner or property manager, you can’t afford to think like an ostrich, either believing that nothing bad will ever happen to your business, or thinking that if it does, it will be too bad for a crisis management plan to do any good. RedFlag is here to change that for your business, ensuring you are armed with the most essential tool during a crisis i.e. effective communication. Here is a look at the benefits our notification system can have for your shopping center:

  • Our effective crisis communication system helps to prevent the breakdown of operational response in the event of a crisis. This is of key importance in a shopping center setting, where it is increasingly important to sustain the highest-possible level of normalcy in operations during a crisis.
  • Spreading the word about what is going on during a crisis can go a long way in maintaining the trust of stakeholders in your shopping center business, and preventing them from becoming angry, reactive, and confused.
  • An effective crisis communication plan armed with RedFlag Notification System can help in maintaining your shopping center’s goodwill among business partners, employees, customers, and the general public. It prevents your organization from being viewed as inept, or in a worst-case scenario, even criminally negligent.
  • By anticipating a crisis, and having a crisis communication plan in place, you can significantly reduce the total time taken in resolving the crisis, and restoring normalcy in your organization.
  • A key benefit of a crisis communication plan in a shopping center is that it minimizes the risk of injury and other losses, which is of immense significance in shopping centers which have a tendency to be crowded.

RedFlag has emergency preparedness plan functions specifically designed for busy shopping centers with features like message receipt reports, ease of setup, ability for segmentation, total mobility, and multi-channel delivery. You can create specific groups for internal staff, tenants, specific floors, social media, and external media, ensuring the smooth functioning of the crisis communication system. You can use this system to spread notifications about building-related issues, dangerous situations, facility updates, and other announcements such as exhibits, holiday specials, festivals, closures, concerts, etc.

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