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Improve Factory Operations with Industrial Mass Notifications

Maximize Workforce Production In Your Factory With RedFlag

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Notify Factory Workers, the Way They Want To Receive Communication

Quickly and easily send updates ranging from a hazardous materials incident to open shifts more efficiently with RedFlag. Industrial warehouses to manufacturers face many challenges in employee communication. From safety concerns to noise to physical movement, deploy mass notification software to effectively communicate any critical event such as:


Severe Weather Plant Closing Active Shooter Equipment Failure Labor Strike 


With RedFlag, you can:
Efficiently inform factory workers of critical situations (weather, gunman, bomb threat)
Utilize an external communication system when internal systems are affected
Get people to safety

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Informed Workforce

• Ensure specific messages are sent to the right people based on facility location, shift, role, and more
• Enhanced communications in a crisis leading to a safer working environment
• Send message reminders to workers on topics such as upcoming safety drills, training, open enrollment, and more
• Receive real time feedback with Polling and Acknowledgement to make smart business decisions effecting resource allocation

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Increased Efficiencies

• Manage employees, vendors, and more from one single interface
• Create ready to use templates for repeated use
• Streamline your internal communication strategy
• Enhance your communication strategy by viewing reports on your desktop or with our smartphone apps

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Save Time & Money

• Get a world-class system that is feature rich and competitively priced
• Pay only for the features you need
• Quick turnaround to get up and running
• Easy to use by anyone

Manufacturing Crisiscomm

Crisis Communications

When an emergency happens, you need to get the word out without delay. RedFlag not only lets you get your messages out quickly but also receive real time feedback to help you make smart business decisions on providing assistance.

With RedFlag, you can get word out to your workers, onsite vendors, and other groups for events such as:

  • Plant closings
  • Inaccessibility to site
  • Critical system or network failures
  • Severe weather
  • And more

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Manufacturing Internalcommunication

Internal Communications

Easily send messages to groups of any size on such as upcoming training sessions, an approaching open enrollment deadline, temporary plant closing, and more. You can also get real time feedback that they they’ve read and acknowledged your message such as those relating to HR policies.

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Manufacturing Staffing

Staffing & Vendor Communications

Production swings are normal throughout the year meaning you will have different workforce and vendor demands on a day-to-day basis. With RedFlag, you can notify workers and vendors if you need or don’t need them as well as fill open shifts giving the ability to easily keep up with production demands.

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Access from Anywhere - Pocketstop

Access from Anywhere

Send messages, communicate and gather insights from anywhere using any device.

Real Time Analytics Pocketstop

Real Time Analytics

Intuitive dashboard to monitor overall program performance and make more informed decisions.

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Save Time

Automatically import employee and vendor data from existing software.

World Class Support - Pocketstop

World Class Support

365-day support with onboarding, training, and ongoing consulting.

RedFlag Emergency Mass Notification System

"Using Pocketstop's RedFlag I can easily send a message quickly to employees. I can create and store draft messages or access template messages provided by corporate, so when we need them in a crunch they’re right there and it’s not me in a panic trying to figure out what to write. "

- Secille Siverio, JLL

Request A Demo / More Info

Learn how RedFlag can help streamline manufacturing communications.