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5 Best Practices for Proximity Marketing

5 Best Practices for Proximity Marketing

December 25, 2018 Posted by in Other

Digital marketing is an important branch of the corporate environment, with companies of all sizes and from all industries relying on it for all their activities, from promoting new products, introducing themselves to the world or promoting an event, to strengthening the relationship with their customers and business partners, finding new customers, and growing within their industries. Satisfying the needs of customers through marketing no longer means simply informing customers about sales and discounts through rudimentary methods in a language that is solely based on driving sales. Nowadays, customers expect more from their favorite brand, and the companies that live up to those expectations are seeing the benefits of having a personal and powerful relationship with their customers through the help of digital marketing.

What is proximity marketing?

With technological advances that years ago were only possible in science fiction, such as the implementation of AI technology in your daily lives, the world – both individuals and companies – has had to keep up with the way digital marketing advances, and implement new technologies or solutions in their business strategies. Among the most efficient digital marketing solutions companies and marketers are using these days, proximity marketing has seen a significant increase in popularity, as it is more than a tool that connects brands and customers, it is a tool that connects the right brands with the right customers.

Proximity marketing works by using location-based technologies (and beyond) to provide personalized experiences to customers based on their proximity to a store, on demographics, or metrics such as purchase preferences, and more. Utilizing a simple technology such as an already existing Wi-Fi hub, a company can broadcast messages to their customers and visitors based on the aforementioned factors, therefore significantly improving their relationship, and making an important step towards offering the customers what they need, and when they need it. But how should a proximity marketing strategy be implemented in order to achieve its proposed goals?

Best Practices for Proximity Marketing

It is not enough to be aware of a new marketing technology or solution and implement it solely on the general information you have, either from the media, or from your competitors. In order to run a successful proximity marketing campaign, you need more than general facts and definitions, which is why today we are going to discuss 5 best practices for proximity marketing and how implementing a proximity marketing in the right way can help your business grow, increase its ROI, and strengthen the relationship with customers, as well as improve your brand loyalty.

Drafting a Proper Proximity Marketing Plan

All strategies, marketing or otherwise, should be based on a thoroughly drafted plan, but in the case of proximity marketing, there are more aspects to have in mind than in the case of a traditional marketing method. Because proximity marketing offers such high levels of personalization, your company needs to have in-depth data not only on your products, services, goals, and objectives, but also on your target audience. This means that your proximity marketing plan needs to be drafted based on all these aspects, but also that it needs to be continuously upgraded based on the feedback you will be receiving.

Using The Right Proximity Marketing Solution

When it was first introduced to the corporate environment, proximity marketing was mostly conducted via Bluetooth beacons, as in the moment of its release it seemed to be an innovative new technology with a lot of offer, regardless of cost prohibitions. However, beacons have unfortunately not lived up to the hype, with prices remaining as high as they were in the beginning, and marketers realizing that they also pose other problems, such as security and data breaching worries or the fact that Bluetooth is a power hungry technology for a smartphone’s battery.

Knowing all the facts about how proximity marketing works, what methods does it use, and what solutions there are on the market – and what their features are – will help you find the right approach for your business, so make sure that you have all this information, and that you will choose a solution that is not only cost-effective, but that offers a wide range of possibilities in terms of proximity marketing implementation.

Getting User Permission for Your Campaigns

Same as in the case of text message marketing and its necessity for compliancy with industry rules and regulations, proximity marketing needs to follow industry guidelines and be implemented without breaking any legal or ethical rules, which is why you will always need the permission of your customers for engaging with them through a proximity marketing campaign.

Providing Something of Value to Your Customers

Proximity marketing is all about personalization, which is why all your campaigns and promotions need to offer your customers not only valuable discounts but also offer them in the right moment. Tailor your proximity marketing campaigns based on the needs of your customers’ – which you have gathered and analyzed in your database – and do so in key moments. Do not use proximity marketing as a generic channel of broadcasting information to people who are in the proximity of your store, but use it more as a mean on engaging with them based on their preferences and purchasing needs.

Gathering and Analyzing Feedback

In order for your proximity marketing strategies to be successful you need to be aware of the importance of feedback, and how you should process it. Make sure that your proximity marketing solution offers a simple yet comprehensive mean of offering you feedback and real-time data, which you will gather and analyze in order to improve your current proximity marketing strategies, and develop better ones in the future. Don’t neglect data from unsuccessful campaigns, as it counts as an important learning experience, and understanding it will help you do better in the future. You can use proximity marketing to ask for your customers’ feedback while in store, or you can use text message marketing and offer incentives for them to send you their feedback later on. Regardless, make sure to create a thorough and ever-expanding feedback database, and turn to it whenever you need it.

Implementing your strategies based on these 5 best practices for proximity marketing with help your company achieve its goals and objectives, but also develop a more fruitful relationship with its customers. Make sure to always track your steps, from drafting the plan to analyzing feedback, and don’t forget to personalize your strategy based on the needs of your customers and the goals and objectives of your business.

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