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Property Management Platform — RedFlag — “Trumps” All

Property Management Platform — RedFlag — “Trumps” All

August 19, 2015 Posted by in Pockestop News, Mass Notification

Learn Why RedFlag Appeals to Organizations of Any Size

You can’t turn on the news right now without hearing about Donald Trump. He’s definitely stirring the pot of politics with his bold and aggressive behavior. You may think he is a breath of fresh air or maybe the thought of him makes your blood boil. Either way, there is one thing for certain — he’s built a massive organization. The Donald’s company, The Trump Organization, is an immense conglomerate that includes real estate development of hotels, resorts, residential towers and casinos, investing and brokerage services, sales, marketing and property management just to name a few of the company’s interests. And RedFlag would suit it just fine.

That’s right. The RedFlag Notification System is a reliable, scalable mass notification system solution for even the largest organizations like Trump’s empire. RedFlag’s cloud based platform makes location irrelevant. And its speed, reliability and redundancy can’t be beat. RedFlag backs up data nightly in the event the rollback feature is required. Messages are encrypted and they follow a service bus architecture that promotes agility and flexibility. Most of all, it’s simple, effective and convenient — three attributes that property managers not just like, but need to help make their jobs easier.

The RedFlag Notification System’s group function is the key to managing a large organization. Create groups based on specific parameters such as location, position or department. If we were so fortunate to have Trump’s business, his properties in New York could be grouped separately from other geographic areas and so forth. This features allows administrators to send targeted and specific notifications.

Trump’s property managers could utilize RedFlag as well as the Trump organization itself. The RedFlag mass notification system solution can streamline communications in many other industries outside of property management including corporate communications, schools and universities, event planning, shopping malls and retail outlets and multi-level traditional marketing organizations.

RedFlag solves the communication burden of large organizations. At the same time, a small organization can also benefit from RedFlag. Multi-channel message delivery helps your message reach a person and not just a device. In a critical situation, messages can be sent from RedFlag within seconds — especially if they have been pre-written as part of an organization’s contingency planning efforts.

Teresa H., a property manager from Philadelphia, PA, gives RedFlag a big thumbs up for her organization. She reports “I had a major power loss in one of my buildings and I used [RedFlag] to provide notice and updates… It worked out great and was extremely easy to do from my iPhone. I would certainly recommend this if I knew someone was looking.”

With RedFlag, Teresa could be anywhere and still have the power of communication at her fingertips. So, next time you switch on the television and hear Donald Trump talking about his presidential aspirations think about how your organization, like Teresa’s, could benefit from the RedFlag Notification System.

For more information about the RedFlag mass notification system and how it can improve your organization’s communications give us a call today at 469-457-2321 or go to to live chat.

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See how RedFlag can help you protect what matters most with a 15-minute custom demo.